- 0
Minor typo with Pkg.add("Plots").
#81 opened by krishoudyshell - 1
SparseArrays/HGrid issue on > Julia 1.9
#71 opened by alextbradley - 0
WAVI Quadratures
#70 opened by RJArthern - 0
- 0
- 0
Posfraction needs to mask out invalid quadrants
#55 opened by RJArthern - 0
Allow pick up from any check point
#53 opened by CRosieWilliams - 0
#52 opened by RJArthern - 0
Track allocations
#50 opened by alextbradley - 0
Synchronicity of outputs
#46 opened by alextbradley - 0
Add some tests for the new relaxation options
#45 opened by CRosieWilliams - 0
Output at first timestep
#44 opened by alextbradley - 0
- 0
Open the repository
#39 opened by alextbradley - 1
Updating output parameters in pickup
#38 opened by alextbradley - 2
Broken chaining
#35 opened by alextbradley - 0
Unable to load wavi from pickup, without rebuilding model and output params.
#37 opened by David-Bett4 - 0
Should we be using SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl?
#32 opened by RJArthern - 1
Issue Tests on Julia 1.5.3
#31 opened by RJArthern - 0
Extra physics reformulation?
#34 opened by alextbradley - 2
Issue. Weertman C and Accumulation type parameters. (My First Test Issue using VS-Code extension.)
#30 opened by RJArthern - 1
This might be an issue...
#28 opened by alextbradley - 3
Export zip output
#16 opened by alextbradley - 1
- 1
set up of weertman_c
#24 opened by CRosieWilliams - 0
add input weertman c
#22 opened by alextbradley - 1
Specifying path for permament checkpoints
#21 opened by alextbradley - 1
Specify end time or number of timesteps
#15 opened by alextbradley - 1
Nicer boundary conditions?
#20 opened by alextbradley - 0
pass grid explicitly
#19 opened by alextbradley - 0
- 0
Fallback for different input types
#18 opened by alextbradley - 1
Surface and bed u/v velocities as output options
#13 opened by David-Bett4 - 2
warning message in initial conditions
#10 opened by alextbradley - 1
Inconsistency of naming n_iter0
#8 opened by alextbradley