MySQL Hands-On #2: Joins & Grouping

  • You can download a .docx version of this exercise here


  • These exercises utilize the sample database from located at the root of this project named mysqlsampledatabase.sql.

  • Ensure that you have ran this .sql before attempting the exercise below

  • Deliverable:

  • Please write each solution in its respective partN.sql file. For example:

    • place the solution to Part 1 in part1.sql
    • place the solution to Part 2 in part2.sql
    • place the solution to Part 3 in part3.sql
  • Database Schema


Part 1

  • Write a query to display each customer’s name (asCustomer Name) alongside the name of the employee who is responsible for that customer’s orders.
  • The employee name should be in a single Sales Rep column formatted as lastName, firstName. The output should be sorted alphabetically by customer name.

Part 2

  • Determine which products are most popular with our customers.
  • For each product, list the total quantity ordered along with the total sale generated (total quantity ordered * priceEach) for that product.
  • The column headers should be Product Name, Total # Ordered and Total Sale.
  • List the products by Total Sale descending.

Part 3

  • Write a query which lists order status and the # of orders with that status.
  • Column headers should be Order Status and # Orders.
  • Sort alphabetically by status.

Part 4

  • Write a query to list, for each product line, the total # of products sold from that product line.
  • The first column should be Product Line and the second should be # Sold.
  • Order by the second column descending.

Part 5

  • For each employee who represents customers, output the total # of orders that employee’s customers have placed alongside the total sale amount of those orders.
  • The employee name should be output as a single column named Sales Rep formatted as lastName, firstName.
  • The second column should be titled # Orders and the third should be Total Sales.
  • Sort the output by Total Sales descending.
  • Only (and all) employees with the job title Sales Rep should be included in the output, and if the employee made no sales the Total Sales should display as 0.00.

Part 6

  • Your product team is requesting data to help them create a bar-chart of monthly sales since the company’s inception.
  • Write a query to output the month (January, February, etc.), 4-digit year, and total sales for that month.
  • The first column should be labeled Month, the second Year, and the third should be Payments Received.
  • Values in the third column should be formatted as numbers with two decimals – for example: 694,292.68.