
This repository houses the configurations and files for a comprehensive network setup, created for the CNCO2000 course at Curtin University. The project showcases the configuration of DNS, email, and IoT servers, as well as IPv6/IPv4 tunneling using Cisco Packet Tracer.

MIT LicenseMIT

Network Configuration: DNS, Email, IoT, IPv6, IPv4 with Packet Tracer

This repository contains the files and configurations for a complex network setup, including DNS, web, and email servers, as well as IoT device control and IPv6/IPv4 tunneling. This project was developed as part of the CNCO2000 course assignment at Curtin University.

Project Overview

The objective of this project is to configure a complex network to enable communication between multiple sites. The network setup includes DNS and email servers, IoT device control, FTP server configuration, and static NAT/PAT for public access. The configuration and validation of network connectivity are performed using Cisco Packet Tracer.


  • IPv6 and IPv4 Configuration: Set up a dual-stack network with both IPv6 and IPv4 addressing.
  • DNS and Email Servers: Configure DNS and email servers for internal and external communications.
  • IoT Device Control: Set up an IoT server to control IoT devices like lamps.
  • FTP Server Configuration: Establish an FTP server for file transfers.
  • Network Address Translation (NAT): Configure static NAT and PAT for public access to internal servers.
  • Tunneling: Configure IPv6 tunnels for communication between different sites.

Technologies Used

  • Cisco Packet Tracer v7.3.1: Network simulation and configuration tool.
  • Networking Protocols: IPv6, IPv4, DNS, SMTP, FTP, HTTP.
  • Network Services: DNS Server, Web Server, Email Server, IoT Server.

Configuration Components

C1: Configure IPv6 Network

  • Set up IPv6 addressing for PCs and routers.
  • Configure IPv6 tunnels for inter-site communication.

C2: Configure DNS/Web/Email Servers

  • Configure DNS and email servers for the domains "curtin.com" and "cenergy.com".
  • Ensure local accessibility of the servers.

C3: Configure Office Networks

  • Subnetting and configuring networks for Office A and Office B.
  • Set up an IoT server to control IoT devices.

C4: Configure WAN Network

  • Configure WAN router interfaces with static IPs.
  • Set up static routes for WAN connectivity.

C5: Configure NAT (Network Address Translation) for Public Access

  • Configure static NAT and PAT for public access to internal servers.

C6: Validate Network Connectivity

  • Create and test scenarios in Packet Tracer to ensure network connectivity.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/RJTLM/Network-Configuration-DNS-Email-IoT-IPv6-IPv4-PacketTracer.git
  2. Open the Packet Tracer file: Use Cisco Packet Tracer v7.3.1 to open the provided .pkt file.
  3. Follow the configuration steps: Refer to the provided documentation and configuration scripts to set up and validate the network.

Repository Structure

  • Assignment-T03.pkt: Packet Tracer file containing the network configuration.
  • Documentation/: Contains detailed configuration steps and diagrams.
  • Scripts/: Contains any necessary configuration scripts.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


This project was developed as part of the CNCO2000 Computer Communications course assignment at Curtin University.