
AnimePiracy is a engine built on framework django for publicating anime!

Welcome to AnimePiracy Project's GitHub repository!

How to run development environment

Firstly, you must create the Python 3.8 supported virtual environment with virtualenv command at your terminal. Then, you must activate it by using following commands:

  • Windows: scripts\activate
  • MacOS & Linux: source scripts\activate Now, after all and your virtual environment is active, install project's PIP dependencies by following commands (note that on the macOS and Unix operating systems you must write pip3 instead of pip like on Windows):
[macOS & Unix]
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt

Now, you must run development server. To do that, just unarchive the animepiracy.zip archive, copy or move it to inside of your virtualenv's folder and type in to the terminal:

cd animepiracy
[macOS & Unix] python3 manage.py runserver
[Windows] python manage.py runserver