
This repository contains .bst files (Bibtex bibliography style files) for journals that I have created using "latex makebst".


This repository contains .bst files (Bibtex bibliography style files) for journals that have been created using makebst. I make no promise that the style files are fully correct, but I have made an effort to make the style conform as closely as possible with the journal requirements. The files are provided with the hope that they will be useful for others using LaTeX and BibTeX to create scientific manuscripts.

This repo currently (2014-10-19) contains style files for:

  • Electrochemistry Communications (Electrochem. Commun., Elsevier)
  • Electrochimica Acta (Electrochim. Acta, Elsevier)
  • Fuel (Elsevier, bst file provided by Lina Norberg Samuelsson (KTH))