
**_✨ A MERN Stack APP **

Setting Up

A. Clone and install packages

  1. Fork this project from the top right of the screen to create a copy of the code.

  2. Download your fork of the project locally on your machine or clone it using

     git clone<your-username>/Book-Recommendation-Website.git
  3. Navigate to the folder and run npm i for installing all packages & dependencies for the server/backend via npm.

  4. Navigate to the client and run npm i to install all dependencies & packages required for the frontend via yarn.

B. Create API secrets for external services

  1. This project uses external services and APIs which require a secret/API pass-key for operations.

    • MongoDB : Either a cloud hosted cluster on Mongo Atlas or your local mongo URL.

C. Edit the config file for serving secrets

  1. On the root of your project , in the folder config Add the following content to the default.json mongoURI=<MONGO_CLUSTER_SECRET>


D. Run the project locally

  1. Start the express server (via nodemon) for the backend and client (it uses concurrently).
    npm run dev