
Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

Data Pipeline POC

  • Terraform code (Iac) to deploy data related AZ resources
  • GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline

Getting Started

  1. Install latest PowerShell
  2. Install Azure Cli
  3. Install Terraform
  4. Learn Terraform

Create client id & client secret

Pipeline deployment cannot be done with user login/credentials but only with servide principal. The service principal should have proper privilege to access resource group/subscription.

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "{sp-name}" --sdk-auth --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/{subscription-id}

Log into azure account with service principal

This is to create remote backend and if you are testing Terraform code manually from Azure Cli/PowerShell

az login
az account set --subscription [SUBSCRIPTION_ID]

az login --service-principal --username [CLIENT_ID] --password [CLIENT_SECRET] --tenant [TENANT_ID]

If you are testing with CI/CD GitHub Actions, GitHub secrets should be updated in the repo with client id and client secret

Create AzureRm backend storage account

  • Update with values to create remote backend state create-remote-state and execute the Azure Cli commands to create resource group, storage account, and container.
  • Update the 'provider "azurerm"' in main.tf with the values you have used to store the backend remote state