Pizza In The Garden

By Ryan Krueger

A simple page where a user can order pizza.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


The application allows users to place a custom order for pizza by checking one topping they would like on their pizza as well as what size of pizza they want. After hitting submit, their total price will be calculated based on the size and topping they chose. Then, their order will be placed on the screen.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone this repository to your desktop.
  • Navigate to the top level of the directory.
  • Open index.html in your browser.

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs at this time.



Copyright (c) December 10th, 2022 Ryan Krueger

Describe: Pizza();

Test: "It should create a pizza object with toppings and size as properties"
Code: const myPizza = new Pizza(["bacon"], "large");
Expected Output: Pizza { toppings: ["bacon"], size: "large" }

Describe: Pizza.prototype.pizzaSizePrice = function ()

Test: "It should return a price for the pizza based on the size"
Code: myPizza.pizzaCostSize();
Expected Output: 10

Describe: Pizza.prototype.pizzaToppingsPrice = function ()

Test: "It should return a price based on the toppings chosen"
Code: myPizza.pizzaCostToppings();
Expected Output: 1

Describe: Pizza.prototype.pizzaTotal = function ()

Test: "It should add the sizePrice and toppingsPrice together to give a total cost"
Code: myPizza.pizzaTotal();
Expected Output: 11

Describe: Pizza.prototype.fullOrder () 

Test: "It should string together the entire order"
Code: myPizza.fullOrder()
Expected Output: "Your toppings are: bacon and your size is: medium. Your total is: $11. Thank you!"