
My solution to the coding challenge from Sketch

Primary LanguageElixir

ASCII canvas


For simplicity, there is an assumption that (in dev and test mode) you're running the server on a machine with PostgreSQL server installed and listening on the default port (5432). It should allow "trust" authentication with your current system user, which is the default behavior. Should this assumption not apply, you need to specify your database connection properties in the server/config/dev.exs file.

To start the server:

  • Go to the server folder
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate the database with mix ecto.setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can send requests to localhost:4000 from the client.

To run the tests:

  • Go to the server folder
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate the database with mix ecto.setup
  • Run mix test


To test-drive the app, I recommend using the interactive version of the client, which you can find in the interactive-client branch (see below). It's probably more convenient than making direct API calls.

The API endpoints are described below. The data is exchanged in the JSON format, so don't forget to always provide the appropriate Accept and Content-Type HTTP headers.

Create a new canvas

Request: POST /canvases

Example response: {"id": "e15ea634-094f-46a4-8cff-cddbbcd03505"}

Draw a rectangle

Request: POST /canvases/:id/rectangles

Example request data:

  "offset_top": 2,
  "offset_left": 3,
  "height": 5,
  "width": 3,
  "fill_character": "X",
  "outline_character": "@"

Response: empty, only status 200

Fetch a canvas

Request: GET /canvases/:id

Example response:

  "id": "e15ea634-094f-46a4-8cff-cddbbcd03505",
  "rectangles": [
      "offset_top": 2,
      "offset_left": 3,
      "height": 5,
      "width": 3,
      "fill_character": "X",
      "outline_character": "@"
      "offset_top": 3,
      "offset_left": 10,
      "height": 14,
      "width": 6,
      "fill_character": "O",
      "outline_character": "X"


By default, the client expects the server to be available at http://localhost:4000. Should you need the server to be at a different location, please, specify it in the environment variable CANVAS_SERVER_URL.

To use the client:

  • Go to the client folder
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Build the binary file with ``./build.sh`
  • Render a canvas with ./canvas_client render 9304172c-baa5-4333-ba9e-3d6f0d93348b

To run the tests:

  • Go to the client folder
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Run mix test