
An official implementation of Advancing Radiograph Representation Learning with Masked Record Modeling (ICLR'23)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Advancing Radiograph Representation Learning with Masked Record Modeling (MRM)

This repository includes an official implementation of paper: Advancing Radiograph Representation Learning with Masked Record Modeling (ICLR'23).

Some code is borrowed from MAE, huggingface, and REFERS.

1 Environmental preparation and quick start

Environmental requirements

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

  • Python 3.8.11

If you are using anaconda/miniconda, we provide an easy way to prepare the environment for pre-training and finetuning of classification:

  conda env create -f environment.yaml
  pip install -r requirements.txt

2 How to load the pre-trained model

Download the pre-trained weight first!

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from functools import partial
import timm
assert timm.__version__ == "0.6.12"  # version check
from timm.models.vision_transformer import VisionTransformer

def vit_base_patch16(**kwargs):
    model = VisionTransformer(norm_layer=partial(nn.LayerNorm, eps=1e-6),**kwargs)
    return model

# model definition
model = vit_base_patch16(num_classes=14,drop_path_rate=0.1,global_pool="avg")
checkpoint_model = torch.load("./MRM.pth", map_location="cpu")["model"]
# load the pre-trained model
model.load_state_dict(checkpoint_model, strict=False)

3 Pre-training

3.1 Data preparation for pre-training

  • We use MIMIC-CXR-JPG for pre-training. You can acquire more information about this dataset at Johnson et al. MIMIC-CXR-JPG.
  • The dataset directory specified in run.sh includes the MIMIC-CXR-JPG dataset and you need to prepare a file training.csv and put it into the dataset directory.
  • The file training.csv includes two columns image_path and report_content for each line, corresponding to (a) the path to an image and (b) the text of the corresponding report, respectively, which should be organized as follows:
      image_path, report_content
      /path/to/img1.jpg, FINAL REPORT  EXAMINATION: ...
      /path/to/img2.jpg, FINAL REPORT  CHEST: ...
  • take one line as an example: img

3.2 Start pre-training

  • Download the pre-trained weight of MAE and set resume to the path of the pre-trained weight in run.sh.

  • Set the data path, GPU IDs, batch size, output directory, and other parameters in run.sh.

  • Start training by running

      chmod a+x run.sh

4 Fine-tuning of classification (take NIH ChestX-ray 14 dataset as the example)

4.1 Data preparation

  • Download NIH ChestX-ray 14 dataset and split train/valid/test set. The directory should be organized as follows:

4.2 Start fine-tuning (take 1 percent data as the example)

      chmod a+x finetuning_1percent.sh

4.3 More fine-tuning hyperparameters

RSNA warm-up setps total steps learning rate
1% 50 2000 3e-3
10% 200 10000 5e-4
100% 2000 50000 5e-4
CheXpert warm-up setps total steps learning rate
1% 150 2000 3e-3
10% 1500 60000 5e-4
100% 15000 200000 5e-4
Covid warm-up setps total steps learning rate
100% 50 1000 3e-2

5 Fine-tuning of segmentation

5.1 Data preparation

  • Download SIIM-ACR Pneumothorax and preprocess the images and annotations. Then organize the directory as follows:


5.2 Necessary files for segmentation

We conduct all experiments of segmentation by MMSegmentaiton (version 0.25.0) and it is necessary to set the environment and comprehend the code structures of MMSegmentaiton in advance.

Here we provide the necessary configuration files for reproducing the experiments in the directory Siim_Segmentation. After modifying MMSegmentaiton framework with provided files, start fine-tuning and evaluation with ft.sh and test.sh, respectively.

6 Links to download datasets

7 Datasets splits

In the directory DatasetsSplits, we provide dataset splits that may be helpful for organizing the datasets.

We give the train/valid/test splits of CheXpert, NIH ChestX-ray, and RSNA Pneumonia.

For COVID-19 Image Data Collection, we randomly split the train/valid/test set 5 times and we provide the images in the images directory.

For SIIM-ACR_Pneumothorax, please organize the directories of images and annotations as section 5.1 mentioned according to the given splits.