Monitor and control my version of an Aeropendulum remotely.
This code provides a simple web interface for monitoring the Aeropendulum, in addition to some tools to control it. The code is intended to run on a Raspberry Pi equipped with a USB webcam and a USB-serial connection to the Arduino controlling Aeropendulum.
Link to a video of the original project
This is the recommended way to setup the Web Interface.
Install the latest version of Docker as instructed here (if necessary):
Note: Make sure all the video and serial devices you will need are plugged in at this moment
cd Docker_Setup
In order to troubleshoot or in case you want to control the AP you will need to access the container previously setup. To do that just do:
docker exec -it Aeropendulum-IOT bash
Make sure auto-reset has been disabled on the Arduino, you can do that by placing a 120 ohm resistor in the headers between 5v and reset. [Source]
Then do:
docker exec -it Aeropendulum-IOT bash
export AP_ARDUINO_SOURCE=/dev/ttyUSB0 #Change the device if necessary
python WebInterface/ 1 45 0.03 0.06 0 #The arguments required in order are: FC (function code 0(off)/1(on)), Target (in degrees), P, I, D
Check if is correctly setup, and if all devices are plugged in.
export FLASK_APP=WebInterface
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
#Set video device
#Set Arduino serial device
export AP_ARDUINO_SOURCE=/dev/ttyUSB0
#run on the local network
flask run --host=