
UE plugin to handle cryptographic algorithm

MIT LicenseMIT



  • UE Plugin exposing easy to use cryptographic algrorithm for security purposes (Hash/Digest, HMAC, Salt, Symmetric encryption, Asymmetric encryption)
  • Handle Bytes/String/File data in an efficient way using buffer when the input is too long to be loaded in memory
  • Useful to encrypt data to send it across the network or to save it onto a machine
  • You can also verify the integrity of a message or sign a message to prove its authenticity
  • This is a blueprint library plugin
  • It exposes 40+ functions to improve security in your project
  • Can be used in any blueprint


Supported algorithms may vary as updates go on, they are available through the enums EDigestAlgorithm and ESymmetricAlgorithm and EAsymmetricAlgorithm. In order to check if your platform supports a specific algorithm use IsDigestSupported or IsSymmetricSupported functions.

The recommended algorithm and version is already set as the default option for all functions below, try not to use outdated version as it may cause a security breach inside your application.

Most of these functions RETURN and NEED an HEXADECIMAL string

Type Algorithms
Hash - Digest MDC2, MD4, MD5, MD5-SHA1, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512-224, SHA512-256, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, RIPEMD160, WHIRLPOOL, SHAKE-128, SHAKE-256, KECCAK-224, KECCAK-256, KECCAK-384, KECCAK-512
Asymmetric RSA, DSA

Hash - Digest


One-way function that transform the data of an arbitrary size (message) to a bit array of a fixed size (hash). It is used to verify integrity of a message.
Node Inputs Outputs Note
IsDigestSupported HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Bool Checks if a specific algorithm is supported by the current platform
DigestString Message(String), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Hash(String) Digest a message using a specific algorithm, returns an empty string if it failed and an HEXADECIMAL string on success
DigestBytes Message(Array(Byte)), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Hash(String) Digest a bytes message using a specific algorithm, returns an empty string if it failed and an HEXADECIMAL string on success
DigestFile Path(String), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Hash(String) Digest a file using a specific algorithm, returns an empty string if it failed and an HEXADECIMAL string on success
KeccakString Message(String), Bits(Int) Result(Bool), Hash(String) Digest a string using the keccak algorithm for (224, 256, 384, 512) bits, returns an empty string if it failed and an HEXADECIMAL string on success
KeccakBytes Message(Array(Byte)), Bits(Int) Result(Bool), Hash(String) Digest a bytes message using the keccak algorithm for (224, 256, 384, 512) bits, returns an empty string if it failed and an HEXADECIMAL string on success
KeccakFile Path(String), Bits(Int) Result(Bool), Hash(String) Digest a file using the keccak algorithm for (224, 256, 384, 512) bits, returns an empty string if it failed and an HEXADECIMAL string on success



Hash-based Message Authentication Code : cryptographic hash function and a secret cryptographic key used to simultaneously verify both the data integrity and the authenticity of a message.
Node Inputs Outputs Note
HMACString Message(String), Key(String), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) String Digest a string message using a specific key and algorithm, returns an empty string if it failed and an HEXADECIMAL string on success
HMACBytes Message(Array(Byte)), Key(String), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) String Digest a bytes array message using a specific key and algorithm, returns an empty string if it failed and an HEXADECIMAL string on success
HMACFile Path(String), Key(String), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Hash(String) Digest a file using a specific key and algorithm, returns an empty string if it failed and an HEXADECIMAL string on success



Salt is random data that is used as an additional input to a one-way function that hashes data, it is used to protect against duplicate or common passwords being identifiable.
Node Inputs Outputs Note
RandomDictionaryString Length(Int), Dictionary(String) Result(Bool), Salt(String) Generates a random string of a specific length, from a dictionary string provided, you can add duplicates if you want more probability for a specific character to be picked
RandomBytes Length(Int) Result(Bool), Salt(Array(Byte)) Generates a random bytes array of a specific length



Encryption that uses the same cryptographic keys for both the encryption of plaintext and the decryption of ciphertext. Symmetric-key algorithms require both the sender and the recipient of a message to have the same secret key. Message can be of any length.
Node Inputs Outputs Note
IsSymmetricSupported Type(ESymmetricAlgorithm) Bool Checks if a specific algorithm is supported by the current platform
GetIVSize Type(ESymmetricAlgorithm) Int Returns the size required for the initialization vector of a specific algorithm
GetKeySize Type(ESymmetricAlgorithm) Int Returns the size required for the key of a specific algorithm
EncryptString Plain(String), Key(String), IV(String), Type(ESymmetricAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Cipher(String) Encrypts a plain string using the provided key and initialization vector and the specific algorithm, returns an HEXADECIMAL cipher string
DecryptString Cipher(String), Key(String), IV(String), Type(ESymmetricAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Plain(String) Decrypts an HEXADECIMAL cipher string using the provided key and initialization vector and the specific algorithm
EncryptBytes Plain(Array(Byte)), Key(String), IV(String), Type(ESymmetricAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Cipher(Array(Byte)) Encrypts a plain bytes array using the provided key and initialization vector and the specific algorithm
DecryptBytes Cipher(Array(Byte)), Key(String), IV(String), Type(ESymmetricAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Plain(Array(Byte)) Decrypts a cipher bytes array using the provided key and initialization vector and the specific algorithm
EncryptFile InPath(String), OutPath(String), Key(String), IV(String), Type(ESymmetricAlgorithm) Result(Bool) Encrypts a plain file using the provided key and initialization vector and the specific algorithm
DecryptFile InPath(String), OutPath(String), Key(String), IV(String), Type(ESymmetricAlgorithm) Result(Bool) Decrypts a cipher file using the provided key and initialization vector and the specific algorithm



Encryption that uses pairs of keys. Each pair consists of a public key that can be shared to others and a private key that must be kept secret. Message cannot be of any length. This type of encryption should be used to exchange symmetric key between two parties.
Node Inputs Outputs Note
GenerateKeychain Options(FKeychainOptions) Result(Bool), Keychain(FKeyChain) Generates a keychain using specific options provided
GetKeySize Key(String), IsPublic(Bool), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm) Int Returns the size of the key provided for a specific algorithm
GetMaxMessageSize Key(String), IsPublic(Bool), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm) Int Returns the max size of the message for a specific key and algorithm
EncryptString Plain(String), PublicKey(String), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Cipher(String) Encrypts a plain string with the provided algorithm public key, returns an HEXADECIMAL cipher string
DecryptString Cipher(String), PrivateKey(String), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Plain(String) Decrypts an HEXADECIMAL cipher string with the provided algorithm private key
EncryptBytes Plain(Array(Byte)), PublicKey(String), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Cipher(Array(Byte)) Encrypts a plain bytes array with the provided algorithm public key
DecryptBytes Cipher(Array(Byte)), PrivateKey(String), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Plain(Array(Byte)) Decrypts a cipher bytes array with the provided algorithm private key
SignString Message(String), PrivateKey(String), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Signature(String) Signs a message string with the provided algorithm private key, returns an HEXADECIMAL signature string
VerifyString Message(String), Signature(String), PublicKey(String), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Result(Bool), IsAuthentic(Bool) Verifies a message string with the provided algorithm public key and an HEXADECIMAL signature
SignBytes Message(Array(Byte)), PrivateKey(String), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Signature(String) Signs a message bytes array with the provided algorithm private key, returns an HEXADECIMAL signature string
VerifyString Message(Array(Byte)), Signature(String), PublicKey(String), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Result(Bool), IsAuthentic(Bool) Verifies a message bytes array with the provided algorithm public key and an HEXADECIMAL signature
SignFile Path(String), PrivateKey(String), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Result(Bool), Signature(String) Signs a message file with the provided algorithm private key, returns an HEXADECIMAL signature string
VerifyFile Path(String), Signature(String), PublicKey(String), KeyType(EAsymmetricAlgorithm), HashType(EDigestAlgorithm) Result(Bool), IsAuthentic(Bool) Verifies a message file with the provided algorithm public key and an HEXADECIMAL signature

Utility functions


These functions are used to convert data from one representation to another. (Hex, UTF-8, Base64)
Node Inputs Outputs Note
BytesToHex Array(Byte) String Converts a bytes array into an hexadecimal string
HexToBytes String Array(Byte) Converts an hexadecimal string into a bytes array
StringToBytes String Array(Byte) Converts an UTF-8 string into a bytes array
BytesToString Array(Byte) String Converts a bytes array into an UTF-8 string
Base64ToBytes String Array(Byte) Converts a base64 string into a bytes array
BytesToBase64 Array(Byte) String Converts a bytes array into a base64 string
StringToBase64 String String Converts an UTF-8 string into a base64 string
Base64ToString String String Converts a base64 string into an UTF-8 string


  • Special thanks to Andrey Jivsov for its KECCAK implementation contribution