A CLI program for interacting with your Google Drive
- Download all files
- Download with file name (Will download files with the same name!)
- Download file Drive file ID
- Download all files with any changes
- Upload all files in the directory (Will NOT overwrite files in the Drive, will instead just 'duplicate' files that already exist)
- Update a file in the Drive with a Drive file ID and a local file name
- Print details for files in the Drive using file name
- TO ADD: Print details for files in the Drive using Drive file ID
- Overwrite local files with files downloaded from Drive
- Print verbose messages when downloading (Uploading/updating to also be added)
You will need to visit the link provided when first running the program (https://code.google.com/apis/console/) and create
a new project. Select this project, and make sure "APIs & Services" has been selected from the top left menu, then select
"Credentials". From here you will need to create a new OAuth client ID, then download this in JSON format. Rename it to "client_secrets.json" then place it in src/main/resources
-c,--changes download files that have changed in drive
-d,--download <file name in drive> downloads files from drive with
given name and extension
-da,--downloadall download all files in drive
-de,--details <file name in drive> prints details about the files in
the drive with the given name
-defaultdir sets directory of where files will
be downloaded to and uploaded from
to the default (User's home
-di,--downloadID <file ID in drive> downloads files from drive with
given ID (On drive)
-h,--help displays this text
-la,--listall list all files in the drive
-o,--overwrite overwrite files that exist when
-sd,--setdir <arg> change directory of where files
will be downloaded to and uploaded
from (will NOT cleanup previous
-ua,--uploadall upload all files in the gdrive
directory to the drive. Will NOT
overwrite files, so duplicates can
-v,--verbose prints more details about files