- Laravel Framework 9.52.16
- Postgres
- Docker
In any of the cases you are going to need docker installed on your local machine
The makefile is just a shortcut for the next step, so if you already have make or don't mind installing it, just run make
on the terminal and it should take care of the setup.
In the make setup step I had to add the sleep 2
command. It's a hack to avoid a connection issue with the database when running the migrations.
The easiest way to run is using docker. First you need to have docker installed. And then you run the following:
docker compose up -d
If everything goes right, you should have now two containers, the simplified_pay_postgres_database and the simplified_pay_backend. Check this using the following command:
docker ps | grep simplified_pay
Then run the command.
docker exec simplified_pay_backend php artisan optimize; php artisan migrate
And it is ready to go, in theory :)
Go to http://localhost:8000 and see if the laravel welcome page appears. If it doesn't, something went wrong :(