Here are some Cozmo Robot Samples, I managed to keep. However, I have no more Cozmo Robot to program. I don't own a cellphone, and I really don't need all the bells and whistles that go with them. Cozmo just wasn't for me, and he just couldn't take hardcore programming all day long. He broke after two months of almost nonstop use. When I sent him back. I got a brand new one. But, but here was the catch, after they returned me a brand new Cozmo Robot, they upgraded their Cozmo app. My roommate couldn't fit the very last app that Cozmo had to have. So he became a huge disappointing Paperweight. So I just gave him away to my Great Nephew. Anyway I hope future lovers of Cozmo can use these well preserved Cozmo Robot programming samples. If you know Cozmo, you should also know Python programming.

I am almost a complete Walking Human Computer Science Research Laboratory Machine on Two Legs. 😁