
OpenManipulator-X Command Line Interface

Primary LanguageCMake


OpenManipulator-X Command Line Interface.
This package requires ROBOTIS open_manipulator_msgs package.


$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/ROBOTIS-Will/open_manipulator_cli.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make


Joint Space control

Enter each joint angle in radian and time in second.
rosrun open_manipulator_cli moveJointSpace.py [joint1] [joint2] [joint3] [joint4] [time]

  • Go to Home Pose for 3 seconds
    $ rosrun open_manipulator_cli moveJointSpace.py 0.0 -1.05 0.35 0.7 3.0

Task Space control

Enter the coordinate of the endeffector in meter and time in second.
rosrun open_manipulator_cli moveTaskSpace.py [x] [y] [z] [time]

  • Go to Init Pose for 3 seconds
    $ rosrun open_manipulator_cli moveTaskSpace.py 0.286 0.0 0.204 3.0

Gripper Control

Enter the gripper opening value in meter and time in second.
Gripper Position Range : -0.01 ~ 0.01
rosrun open_manipulator_cli moveGripper.py [gripper_position] [time]

  • Open the gripper to max width
    $ rosrun open_manipulator_cli moveGripper.py 0.01 1.0

Torque Enable / Disable

Turn on or off the torque of DYNAMIXEL.
rosrun open_manipulator_cli setDynamixelTorque.py [on|off]

  • Turn on DYNAMIXEL Torque
    $ rosrun open_manipulator_cli setDynamixelTorque.py on

Read Manipulator Moving Status

Read whether the OpenManipulator is in motion or not (except the gripper).

$ rosrun open_manipulator_cli readMovingStat.py