
Docker Deployment Setup

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ROBxTASK Docker Deployment Setup for remote staging environment. Setting up a local development environment is desribed in dev/README.md)

This project-specific setup is manages several docker containers grouped in separate directories:

(NB: For remote deployment we recommend using the provided fabricate file: fab deploy logs -H <username>@<host> ).

ROBxTASK CI/CD Server using Jenkins

  • Directory Name: jenkins_ci
  • Configuration: jenkins_ci/docker-compose.yml
  • Docker File: jenkins_ci/Dockerfile

ROBxTASK Microservice Infrastructure

The platform is split into two different kind of components:

  1. Infrastructure components (directory infra)
  2. Microservice components (directory services)

Infrastructure Components

Identity Management / Authorisation Service using Keycloak 4

  • Container Name: keycloack_1
  • Configuration: keycloak/docker-compose.yml

These componentes are part of the virtual network with the name infra_default. More information can be found bey executing docker network inspect infra_default on the Docker host.

Infrastructure for Microservices

Defintion can be found in infra/docker-compose.yml, which consists of the following components:

  • Config Server:

    • ServiceID: config-server
  • Service Discovery:

    • ServiceID: service-discovery
  • Gateway Proxy:

    • ServiceID: gateway-proxy
  • Hystrix Dashboard (not used at the moment)

    • ServiceID: hystrix-dashboard

Microservice Components

Each docker container contains usually only one (micro)-service, connected containers are started together using docker-compose

The deployment is composed of infrastructure componentes and the actual Microservices. A utility script with the name run.sh can be found in the directories of each setup.

Definition and configuration of the deployment can be found in services/docker-compose.yml

Configuration is done via environment variables, which are define in staging/services/env_vars. Secrets can be locally stored in staging/services/env_vars-staging.

Utility Script

A utility script can be found in run-staging.sh, which provides the following functionalies:

  • run-staging.sh infra: starts all infrastructure components
  • run-staging.sh keycloak: starts the Keycloak container
  • run-staging.sh marmotta: starts the Marmotta container
  • run-staging.sh elk: start all ELK components
  • run-staging.sh services: starts all serivces (note: make sure the infastructue is set up appropriately)
  • run-staging.sh infra-logs: print logs of all microservice components to stdout
  • run-staging.sh services-logs: print logs of all services to stdout
  • run-staging.sh restart-single <serviceID>: restart a single service

Reverse Proxy for external service visibility

  • nginx: container for the webserver and reverse proxy (i.e. nginx)
  • Configuration: nginx/docker-compose.yml
  • Nginx Configuration: nginx/nginx.conf

A note about service routes

Routes are handled by the gateway-proxy and appear e.g. at: https://robxtask.salzburgresearch.at/robxtask/routes

There are some preconfigured routes available and used from https://github.com/nimble-platform/cloud-config In addition to that, all running services add their own route using their own service name. Note, that the gateway-proxy deployed for ROBxTASK holds specific configuration in 'env_vars-gateway-proxy'.

Debugging options

Debugging with a separate tcpdump-container (recommended)

docker build -t tcpdump - <<EOF 
FROM ubuntu 
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y tcpdump 
CMD tcpdump -i eth0 

# example for dumping traffic between gateway proxy and identity service
docker run --tty --net=container:robxtask-infra-staging_gateway-proxy_1 tcpdump tcpdump -N -A 'host identity-service'

Enable debug logging in nginx

Two log formats are defined in nginx.conf: 'mainlogfmt' and 'debuglogfmt'. The latter can be used for debugging and will dump lots of information to the log (even confidential tokens, etc.)

Remote debugging

Java-based services can also be remotely debugged, if required. To enable this, a debugging port needs to be accessible, e.g. by adding it in the service's docker-compose specification:

      - ""
      JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005

For accessing it, ssh-port forwarding may be required: ssh -L5005:localhost:5005 <target-machine>