- 2
[Issue]: `rocalution-config.cmake` file attempts to find HIP even if rocALUTION was built w/o HIP support
#247 opened by juhanikataja - 0
Host backend on 32-bit architectures?
#240 opened by cgmb - 0
[Feature]: Optional HIP backend at run time
#230 opened by cgmb - 7
- 2
PairwiseAMG crash in parallel
#195 opened by pledac - 4
[Clarification Needed] Accessing linear systems data already stored on GPU(s) in rocThrust data structures
#198 opened by klausbu - 1
HIP error: invalid device function
#197 opened by klausbu - 1
- 3 documentation missing
#194 opened by ckastner - 5
rocALUTION build following ROCm versions
#180 opened by pledac - 6
- 2
Problem with distribute_matrix in common.hpp
#164 opened by pelyakim - 12
rocALUTION for fortran
#163 opened by pelyakim - 7
- 2
#153 opened by pledac - 3
Performance issue with cg_mpi running on 2 GPU or more
#152 opened by pledac - 2
overlap in Additive Schwarz
#122 opened by j4yan - 3
- 14
Error while building rocALUTION for rocm5.1.x
#144 opened by dipietrantonio - 0
- 8
- 4
Integration and usage documentation with OpenFoam as ROCm alternative to PARALUTION
#123 opened by FCLC - 6
How to use a BCSR matrix?
#139 opened by Tongdongq - 0
issues being closed without fixing why???
#137 opened by gggh000 - 0
- 1
RPATH is missing from ROCm 5.0.0 release
#135 opened by sofiageo - 6
build fails in 4.5.2
#133 opened by gggh000 - 4
- 4
#120 opened by paolodalberto - 4
Does "set_device_rocalution(1);" works?
#119 opened by paolodalberto - 3
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:79 (string):
#118 opened by paolodalberto - 25
- 4
ghost part of global matrix
#113 opened by keniz - 1
installation problem
#112 opened by keniz