An OpenCL general matrix multiplication (GEMM) API and kernel generator. More information is available on the wiki.
- OpenCL - OpenCL libraries and header files
- ROCm cmake modules
Configure with cmake
First create a build directory:
mkdir build; cd build;
Next configure cmake; if OpenCL is installed in one of the standard locations,
cmake ..
otherwise manually set OpenCL cmake variables, either in CMakeCache.txt
cmake -DOPENCL_LIBRARIES=<opencl-library-path> -DOPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS<opencl-headers-path> ..
By default the install location is set to '/opt/rocm', this can be set by using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<miopen-installed-path> ..
Build the library
The library can be built, from the build
make miopengemm
And can be installed by using the 'install' target
make install
Use the library
MIOpenGEMM provides an OpenCL GEMM API in gemm.hpp
, which should be included in your C++ source file
#include <miopengemm/gemm.hpp>
The key function is
template <typename T>
MIOpenGEMM::GemmStatus xgemm(...)
which provides the same functionality as clBLAS' clblasSgemm
and clblasDgemm
. Currently only T=float
and T=double
are supported. More information on xgemm
can be found on the wiki here.
To obtain just OpenCL kernel strings without executing GEMM, one can use miogemm.hpp
, as done by MIOpen.
Run the test
Currently there is 1 basic test, which can be run with
make smallgeometrytests
make check
Build the examples
All examples can be built with
make examples
or individually by name, for example
make find
The examples are described on the the wiki here.
Build the documentation
HTML and PDF documentation can be built using:
make doc
This will build a local searchable web site inside the ./MIOpenGEMM/doc/html folder and a PDF document inside the ./MIOpenGEMM/doc/pdf folder.
Documentation is generated using Doxygen and should be installed separately.
HTML and PDFs are generated using Sphinx and Breathe, with the ReadTheDocs theme.
Requirements for both Sphinx, Breathe, and the ReadTheDocs theme can be filled for these in the MIOpenGEMM/doc folder:
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Depending on your setup sudo
may be required for the pip install.