
Resume Builder is basically a website for generating resume. The front end of Resume Builder is purely made with react.js, while the back end is made with Nodejs and Expressjs. Alongwith 'axios' and 'file-saver' packages are used in it for generating pdf and saving the details entered by the user at the server side.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Badge  JavaScript  HTML  CSS  Bootstrap 
Node.js  Express.js  Heroku 

Website Badge OPEN-PR

Overview 👀

  • Build Resume and get ready for internships & placement 👨‍💻
  • Clean UI ⚡
  • User can easily toggle between any two successive pages by using Back ⬅️ and Next ➡️ buttons
  • While toggling between successive pages user's data will be completely saved 💾 in form templates made using react.js
  • After filling all information, download resume in PDF 📁 format
  • Success notification is being displayed to user while resume is downloading with a green tick ✅

What is Resume Builder? 🤔

Resume Builder is basically a website for generating resume.

The front end of Resume Builder is purely made with react.js, while the back end is made with Nodejs and Expressjs.

Alongwith 'axios' and 'file-saver' packages are used in it for generating pdf and saving the details entered by the user at the server side.

How it works? 🤔

  • Open the website http://lk-resumebuilder.herokuapp.com/
  • Fill all the relevant information present in 4-5 pages such as Project details, Experience Info, Education Info, Extra Curriculars/Activities Details.
  • At last click on Download PDF button and in few seconds resume will be downloaded in PDF format.

Dependencies 🗃

Run Locally 💻

> Clone the repo
    >> For Windows: Git Bash
    >> For Linux: Terminal
    >> git clone https://github.com/ROHAN842/Resume-Builder.git
    >> cd MainFolder/DirectoryName
> Install all dependencies
    >> npm i
> Spin the server on port 5000
    >> cd MainFolder/DirectoryName
    >> nodemon or node index.js
> Spin the react on port 3000
    >> cd client
    >> npm start
> Visit the website on http://localhost:3000/