
This Repository contains tutorials for Natural Language Processing, Machine Leaning, Ontology Creation, Querying Ontology using DL-Query, Implementing Question and Answering System

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Knowledge Discovery Management(CS5560-Summer'17)

Introduction to SBT, Github --- LAB Assignment-1A(wiki)

Introduction to Python, Scala --- LAB Assignment-1B(wiki)

Introduction to spark programming --- LAB Assignment-2(wiki)

Introduction to Natural Language Processing --- LAB Assignment-3(wiki)

Introduction to WordNet, Openie, Concept5, LDA --- LAB Assignment-4(wiki)

Introduction to LDA, Kmeans Clustering algorithms, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Decision Tree classification algoritms ---LAB Assignment-5(wiki)

Introduction to Sparql, Protege, Ontology creation using OWL API --- LAB Assignment-6(wiki)