
The theme Military Monokai for the editor Visual Studio Code

Theme for Visual Studio Code editor with Monokai Code and Military Background

This theme is based on the Military Style Theme made by Evgeny-TechnoNinja
Original repository : https://github.com/Evgeny-TechnoNinja/vsc-military-style
I replaced tokens colors with colors from the Default Monokai Theme.
Monokai repository : https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/tree/main/extensions/theme-monokai

Install Theme

  1. In VS Code, open the Color Theme picker with File > Preferences > Color Theme.
  2. In the list, choose to install additional color themes.
  3. You are in the Marketplace.
  4. In the search write the name "vsc military monokai".
  5. Select "vsc military monokai" and install".
  6. Reload VSCode editor.
  7. Open up File > Preferences > Color Theme.
  8. In the list, select "VSC Military Monokai".
  9. Enjoy!

Another way to install this theme.

  1. Download this repository for yourself.
  2. Unzip it in ~/.vscode/extensions.
  3. Reload VSCode editor.
  4. Open up File > Preferences > Color Theme.
  5. You will see the desired color theme, select it.
  6. Rude but works!

I will gladly accept all your wishes and comments

Successes to all!