
This is a project I completed for my MTAA course.

Primary LanguagePHP

Mutli Tier Consultation Prototype webpage

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Running the prototype


A very exciting prototype website for a fictional company, Sino-Western Lifestyle Consulting, that utilizes a modern custom M-V-C (Model, View, Controller) architecture to seperate concerns. The application follows standard object oriented principles.


  • Fully functional database control featuring
    • Complete CRUD database queries (Create, Read, Udpate, Delete)
    • Use of prepared statements to ensure integrity of database
    • A normalized database structure
  • Use of cookies for user cart tracking
  • Fully extendable architecture that can readily expand to meet client needs

Running the prototype

  • To run this prototype please import the sino-lifestyle.sql database file to your MySQL/MariaDB/SQL database manager.
  • Ensure you have an HTTP server configured with PHP support
  • Point the browser to the application folder ROOT/index.php
  • Start shopping!