
Week 3 Makers Academy Weekend Project

Primary LanguageRuby

RPS Challenge

Week 3 Weekend Challenge

For the third weekend challenge, I had to create a webb application that could be used to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. First, I built up the app to run a standard game of RPS (Rock beats Scissors, Paper beats Rock etc.) After this, I tried to make each result unique (instead of Rock beats Scissors, returned Rock blunts Scissors etc.) When I had completed this, I looked into extending the game into a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.

To use the web application, all you needed to do was enter your name in the given field and then choose one of five buttons (Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, or Spock). This would then redirect you to a page giving you the result.

If I had the time to make further modifications to the app, I would make it possible to play against another person, not just the computer. I would also like to add pictures.

Author: Rebecca Piper