Earn better by working during peak hours for more than one company. Less waiting times and higher earnings. Utilize free time to earn more. Don't chosse a normal delivery or driver job. We let you apply for multiple jobs with big companies to maximize your earnings 🔥.
- Password user login and SignUp using sawo lab API
- Welcome landing page
- Delivery jobs search with relevent filters
- Easy job appliaction form
- Easy client connect form
- Delivery jobs for womens ❤️
- Secure admin login
- Admin dasboard
- Creates daily earning goals
A demo version is automatically deployed for this repositories:
- Deployment for frontend part -https://grey-collar-hub.netlify.app
- Deployment for backend part - https://pure-caverns-24063.herokuapp.com
Please get familiar with the components of the project in order to be able to contribute.
- CSS: Styling web pages, html files
- Javascript: Primary programing language
- ReactJS: Javascript library for building User Interfaces
- nodejs: Used in the backend
- express: To create the calling API
- Material-UI: UI library for design system
- MongoDB Atlas: A cloud database used to store user personal data username, passwords and individuals chats
- node --version >= 6
- npm --version >= 3
git clone <repository-url>
is the link to the forked repositorycd hackNPitch_Error400_GreyCollarHub
Note : If you want to contribute, first fork the original repository and clone the forked repository into your local machine followed by cd
into the directory
git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/hackNPitch_Error400_GreyCollarHub
cd hackNPitch_Error400_GreyCollarHub
git clone <repository-url>
is the link to the forked repositorycd HackNpitch_server
Note : If you want to contribute, first fork the original repository and clone the forked repository into your local machine followed by cd
into the directory
git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/HackNpitch_server
cd HackNpitch_server
Define config variables in config.env.
- Create a free mongoDB atlas account at https://www.mongodb.com and set a new cluster connection url equal to
- Set
JWT_SECRET = <your_jwt_secret_string>
is long alphanumerical string - Set
JWT_EXPIRE = <jwt_token_life_time>
is a string e.g. 10min, 30min
cd HackNpitch_server
- Install all the dependencies with
npm install
- Start the server with
npm start
- Visit your API at http://localhost:5000 🎉
cd hackNPitch_Error400_GreyCollarHub
- Install all the dependencies with
npm install
- Start the server with
npm start
- Visit your app at http://localhost:3000 🎉
Feel free to contribute 😍
- When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change."