
Teachvatory is a Data Visualization app developed in R Shiny to follow student's performance used by professor Dan Levy at Harvard

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Lifecycle: experimental

The goal of teachvatory is to provide a visualization and AI-driven analysis of students’ performance and quizzes’ answers.


  • Clone respository branch main
  • Copy .secrets/ and .Renviron into the app’s main directory (you will need to ask the admin for these files)
  • Install packages listed in DESCRIPTION

Run Locally

  • Run dev/run_dev.R to launch the server

Editing app using GitHub workflow

  1. Get GitHub branch name of the issue you want to solve or the feature you want to add.
  2. Checkout Standing on the app's directory, write on terminal:
    git checkout -b [branch-name]
    The command -b allows you to create and move to the branch in one command.
  3. Make all the changes you need to do
  4. Commit your changes: On the terminal write:
    git commit -m "[A message to describe your change]"
    • You can make as many commits as you want. A good approach would be to make a commit for every self-contained update.
  5. Push your changes: On the terminal write:
    git push origin [branch-name]
  6. Go to the GitHub repository and make a pull request from your branch [branch-name] to main.
  7. Admin will review your changes and merge the branch.
  8. Once the branch is merged into main you can delete the branch remotely and locally.

Publishing app on shinyapps.io

  1. Be sure you are on the latest update of the main branch.

    • To update to the lastest update write on terminal:
      git pull origin main
  2. Connect your account to your shinyapps.io account. Read more here.

  3. You can publish the app using two methods:

    • Open app.R and press the Rsconnect publish button on the top right of RStudio.
    • Standing on the app's directory write on R:

Last update: January 30th, 2023 by Gonzalo