
Treatment vs Control command

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

tvsc - Treatment vs Control groups means and differences


tvsc is a command that generates balance tables. The command tests for statistically significant difference between the categories defined in the by(varname). It uses reghdfe to estimates the differences with fixed effects.


net install tvsc, from("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rrmaximiliano/tvsc/main") replace


Let's first generate a treatment variable using the census dataset.

*** Load dataset
    sysuse census, clear 

*** Create treatment variable
    set seed 01237846
    gen treatment = (runiform()<.5)

Example 1: Raw differences with standard errors for treatment, control, and differences

. tvsc divorce marriage, by(treatment)

                Treatment      Control   Difference
divorce         18,379.07    30,425.36    -12046.29
               (2,630.31)   (7,183.07)   (7,011.02)
marriage        40,064.50    57,421.09    -17356.59
               (6,472.19)  (11,808.47)  (12,747.12)

Example 2: Raw differences with standard deviations for treatment, control, and standard errors for differences

. tvsc divorce marriage, by(treatment) sd

                Treatment      Control   Difference
divorce         18,379.07    30,425.36    -12046.29
              (13,918.27)  (33,691.57)   (7,011.02)
marriage        40,064.50    57,421.09    -17356.59
              (34,247.63)  (55,386.64)  (12,747.12)

Example 3: Differences with clustered standard errors

. tvsc divorce marriage, by(treatment) clus_id(region)

                Treatment      Control   Difference
divorce         18,379.07    30,425.36    -12046.29
               (2,630.31)   (7,183.07)   (7,374.89)
marriage        40,064.50    57,421.09    -17356.59
               (6,472.19)  (11,808.47)  (11,261.94)

Example 4: Same as example 3 plus differences with fixed effects

. tvsc divorce marriage, by(treatment) clus_id(region) strat_id(region)

                Treatment      Control         Diff      FE Diff
divorce         18,379.07    30,425.36    -12046.29    -13692.48
               (2,630.31)   (7,183.07)   (7,374.89)   (8,755.31)
marriage        40,064.50    57,421.09    -17356.59    -20555.04
               (6,472.19)  (11,808.47)  (11,261.94)  (12,263.35)

Example 5: Same as example 4 plus labels

. tvsc divorce marriage, by(treatment) clus_id(region) strat_id(region) labels

                        Treatment      Control         Diff      FE Diff
Number of divorces      18,379.07    30,425.36    -12046.29    -13692.48
                       (2,630.31)   (7,183.07)   (7,374.89)   (8,755.31)
Number of marriages     40,064.50    57,421.09    -17356.59    -20555.04
                       (6,472.19)  (11,808.47)  (11,261.94)  (12,263.35)


tvsc does not have a native way to export the results. However, you can use the esttab command from the estout package to export the results to excel, word, or latex. You can use the options cells() and specified what estimates you want to include. For example:

*** ssc install estout, replace
// Latex Table
. local style "nomtitle nonumbers noobs b(3) se(3) booktabs"

. quietly tvsc divorce marriage, by(treatment) clus_id(region) stra_id(region) labels
. esttab, `style' cells("mu_2(fmt(%9.2fc)) mu_1(fmt(%9.2fc)) mu_3(fmt(%9.2fc))" "se_2(par) se_1(par) se_3(par)") 

            &   mu\_2/se\_2&   mu\_1/se\_1&   mu\_3/se\_3\\
divorce     &   18,379.07&   30,425.36&   -12046.29\\
            &  (2,630.31)&  (7,183.07)&  (7,374.89)\\
marriage    &   40,064.50&   57,421.09&   -17356.59\\
            &  (6,472.19)& (11,808.47)& (11,261.94)\\

// Latex Table, just the body
. local style "label nolines nogaps fragment nomtitle nonumbers noobs nodep collabels(none) booktabs b(3) se(3)"

. quietly tvsc divorce marriage, by(treatment) clus_id(region) stra_id(region) labels
. esttab, `style' cells("mu_2(fmt(%9.2fc)) mu_1(fmt(%9.2fc)) mu_3(fmt(%9.2fc))" "se_2(par) se_1(par) se_3(par)") 

Number of divorces  &   18,379.07&   30,425.36&   -12046.29\\
                    &  (2,630.31)&  (7,183.07)&  (7,374.89)\\
Number of marriages &   40,064.50&   57,421.09&   -17356.59\\
                    &  (6,472.19)& (11,808.47)& (11,261.94)\\

In this example, mu_2 is equivalent to the treatment group, mu_1 to the control group, and mu_3 to the difference. If you want to include stars to the estimates, you can add star pvalue(d_p) to the cells options like this:

. quietly tvsc divorce marriage, by(treatment)
. esttab, `style' cells("mu_2(fmt(%9.2fc)) mu_1(fmt(%9.2fc)) mu_3(fmt(%9.2fc) star pvalue(d_p))" "se_2(par) se_1(par) se_3(par)") 

Number of divorces  &   18,379.07&   30,425.36&   -12046.29\sym{*}  \\
                    &  (2,630.31)&  (7,183.07)&  (7,011.02)         \\
Number of marriages &   40,064.50&   57,421.09&   -17356.59         \\
                    &  (6,472.19)& (11,808.47)& (12,747.12)         \\


I do not consider myself the author of this command since it draws from ado files that were written before by Profe Mauricio Romero. I just adapted it to have more options and to be downloadable.

In case you would like to contact me, you can email me at: rodriguezramirez@worldbank.org