
SpMV hands-on exercise with SVE intrinsics (ACLE) for teaching

Primary LanguageC++

How to compile

  • Configure using config.mk. Make sure the TAG is set to the proper compiler configuration file. For example TAG = GCCa64fx to include the file 'include_GCCa64fx.mk'.
  • For using LIKWID (optional): LIKWID library has to be installed (https://github.com/RRZE-HPC/likwid), ENABLE_LIKWID has to bet to true in config.mk. Proper paths has to be set in include_LIKWID.mk
  • After configuration run make to compile

How to run

  • Get options using ./spmv-[TAG] -h
  • For running with HPCG matrix of size 128^3 on 1 CMG using SELL-32-1, currently only C=1 (CRS) and C=32 code is optimised:
OMP_NUM_THREADS=$thread OMP_PLACES=cores OMP_PROC_BIND=close ./spmv-[TAG] -S 128 -C 32 -Z 1
  • For other matrices they can be read from MatrixMarket file using -m option.