Wisely add "end" in Ruby, Vimscript, Lua, etc. Tree-sitter aware alternative to tpope's vim-endwise
- 0
Nix support
#43 opened by leg7 - 0
- 3
Support for fn -> end in Elixir?
#38 opened by cjbottaro - 3
- 1
Mention nvim-treesitter as a dependency in README
#34 opened by fwolfst - 2
Create comma after function in map [Lua]
#33 opened by podratz - 4
False positive inside brackets
#31 opened by simonmandlik - 1
- 0
nvim-treesitter module support will be removed
#27 opened by cryptomilk - 1
Question: How to run test on this repository?
#28 opened by mamantoha - 7
Endwise does not work for bash/vim with nvim-ts-rainbow and nvim-treesitter-context enabled
#14 opened by nkakouros - 0
- 5
- 6
Error on load: nvim-treesitter.ts_utils.is_in_node_range is deprecated: use vim.treesitter.is_in_node_range
#22 opened by 2KAbhishek - 5
How to install?
#16 opened by faqndo97 - 2
Elixir support
#20 opened by rspeicher - 2
Lua function elseif also will insert end
#19 opened by Ritzier - 2
Support ruby `class << self`
#18 opened by catlee - 2
Segfault on HEAD with endwise enabled.
#15 opened by dsully - 11
Support for Julia language
#2 opened by phgz - 5
Feature Request: do/end match jumping with %
#12 opened by knpwrs - 2
- 9
Language compatibility shown from TSModuleInfo?
#10 opened by wookayin - 1
- 2
Insert tab before cursor
#8 opened by dewyze - 2
Fails on <C-C>
#7 opened by dewyze - 1
readme assets
#1 opened by RRethy