Python Script/Tool to create the pyOSCAL library from the NIST released MetaSchema
left to right direction
folder "OSCAL/src/metaschema" as metaschema
file "" as parser
folder "pyoscal" as pyoscal
folder "oscal-content" as examples
file "" as unittest
component "objects" as pyobjects
file "Output XML" as output_xml
file "Class Diagram UML" as output_uml
metaschema --> parser
parser --> pyoscal : multiple classes
pyoscal -> unittest : import
examples --> unittest : parse examples
unittest <-> pyobjects
unittest --> output_xml
unittest --> output_uml
Currently only using Master Branch until proper project cadence and Minimal Viable Product is achieved.
Below is the planned versioning methodology that will be used once tagged releases are established.
scale .666
left to right direction
rectangle "Nist-OSCAL" as Nist {
card "1.0" as nist_10
card "1.1" as nist_11
card "2.0" as nist_20
nist_10 --> nist_11
nist_11 --> nist_20
rectangle "pyOSCAL" as pyOSCAL {
card "1" as pyoscal_10
card "1.1" as pyoscal_11
card "2" as pyoscal_20
card "2.0.1" as pyoscal_201
card "2.0.2" as pyoscal_202
pyoscal_10 --> pyoscal_11
pyoscal_11 --> pyoscal_20
pyoscal_20 --> pyoscal_201
pyoscal_201 --> pyoscal_202
nist_10 -[#green;bold]> pyoscal_10
nist_11 -[#blue;bold]> pyoscal_11
nist_20 -[#red;bold]> pyoscal_20
nist_20 -[#red;bold]> pyoscal_201
nist_20 -[#red;bold]> pyoscal_202
note left of pyOSCAL
- Major Version Changes when Major Version
of *Either* Nist or PyOSCAL increment
- Minor Version Changes when Minor Version
of *Either* Nist or PyOSCAL increment
- Build Number Increments when the pyOSCAL package changes
- Meta Data in pyOSCAL will include all source module versions