
Simplified 3DS homebrew library.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


citrus is a simplified 3DS homebrew library, originally known as ctrcommon. It is split into various distinct "modules":

  • core - Main module, initializes everything else and contains the most basic functions.
  • app - Application management functions.
  • battery - Battery status functions.
  • err - Error management functions.
  • fs - Filesystem functions that aren't covered by the standard library.
  • gpu - OpenGL-esque GPU functions.
  • gput - GPU Tools; provides a default shader, a matrix stack, and higher-level drawing functions.
  • hid - Input functions.
  • ir - Infrared communication functions.
  • news - Notification management functions.
  • nor - NVRAM access functions.
  • snd - Sound playback functions.
  • soc - Internal module for initializing and cleaning up sockets.
  • utf - UTF conversion functions.
  • wifi - WiFi status functions.

Core functions:

  • ctr::core::init() - Must be called before using any citrus functions.
  • ctr::core::cleanup() - Must be called after you're finished using citrus functions, usually on exit.
  • ctr::core::running() - Performs the standard APT main loop and returns whether or not the application should terminate.
  • ctr::core::launcher() - Returns whether the application was launched from the homebrew launcher.
  • ctr::core::time() - Returns the current time in milliseconds.

citrus also comes with a small set of tools, including bannertool, makerom, template RSFs, and a template Makefile.

An example of citrus and its tools in use can be found here.

Requires devkitARM, ctrulib, and picasso to build. Run 'make' to build, and run 'make install' to install it to your devkitPro directory.


  • Standard UI module, to make the creation of UIs easy.