
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

LunchBytes Slides Template

This template repo contains slides for LunchBytes event curators for introducing and concluding sessions. Using these ensures that each curator is less likely to forget important information during the event and reduces the amount of work needed to get an event up and running.

General LunchBytes Guidance

More general guidance about running LunchBytes events is provided in this Google doc

Using this template repository

  1. At the top of this repository at https://github.com/RSE-Sheffield/lunchbytes-slides click on Use this template and select the user or organisation you'd like to create it under (see note below). Choose an appropriate repo name relating to the month of the event.
  2. Edit the presentation.md file, making sure to include the correct dates, speakers and other details.
  3. Go to the 'settings' tab for your repo and open 'pages', under 'source' select Branch: pages /(root) and save.

Note If you've created your repo under a user or organisation that has github pages set up, your site will be published under the domain name of your github pages.