
Capstone Project Frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

README (Fix/add anything you felt was unclear)

Branch Android iOS
master BuddyBuild BuddyBuild
staging BuddyBuild BuddyBuild

Commands Summarized

  • npm run lint fixes some styling issues automatically and reports those it cannot fix.
  • npm run test runs all tests. npm run test -- -u updates test snapshots.
  • npm run api runs a mock api server. All mock data is defined in the .db.json.


Follow the instructions for your OS here and then execute the following commands:

$ cd ~/TutorFrontend
$ npm install

Start up your android emulator and run react-native run-android, or simply run react-native run-ios for iOS.

Before every commit, npm run lint and npm run test will run automatically.

IMPORTANT: Run npm run lint to fix some style and formatting issues automatically. Do this before committing!

iOS-Specific Steps

Go to your ios folder and run:

  • sudo gem install cocoapods
  • pod install

Steps for Testing

Simply run npm run test to run all tests.

Jest can do snapshot testing, which means it takes a snapshot of the UI and tests future changes against that snapshot. So, if a button gets misplaced from a UI change, the test for it will fail.

However, there will be times (lots of them) where you will change the UI and it will be a valid change. Now you will need to update the snapshots to make the tests pass. Snapshots can be updated with the command npm run test -- -u. Make sure to only do this for tests that are failing for valid and expected UI changes. Otherwise, someone will catch it in code review.


  • Android Target API: 22 (To be discussed)

  • iOS: TBD

  • System dependencies: Android Studio SDK Tools, NodeJS Version >= 4.7.0

  • Configuration:

      Open Android studio > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK
      	Create "ANDROID_HOME" system variable and set it the path of Andriod SDK location
      	Under SDK Platform, make sure "Android 5.1 API level 22" is selected
      	Under SDK Tools, make sure the following are selected:
      		Android SDK Build Tools
      		Android SDK Tools
      		Android SDK Platform Tools
      		Android Suppourt Repository
      Steps taken to resolve "timeout getting device list" when using Geny Motion:
          Open Geny Motion settings
          Under ADB, select "Use custom Android SDK Tools" and specify the Android SDK path
      Steps taken to resolve react-native error: "SyntaxError: Use of const in strict mode"
          Make sure you have Node version >= 4.0
      Steps taken to resolve 'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command
          Add platform-tools location to system path variable (e.g., C:\Users\Guest\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools)
       Steps taken to resolve error: cannot find module 'invariant'
          Install the invariant module globally: npm install -g invariant
          If that still doesn't work then try: npm i --save-dev invariant
  • First Time Launching App:

      npm install (This will take some time)
      Start an Andrioid Virtual Device (from Geney Motion or Android Studio)
      react-native run-android
  • Please Note: As of now, with the inital commit, the GET request will require Auth to removed from backend (remove devise declarations from User controller)