
Welcome to Connectful a fullstack app that connects coding students with mentors. A user can register/login to view a dashboard full of coding mentors. The user can view the mentors profile and choose to connect with a mentor. The user can send the mentor a connection message.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Connectful Client

Welcome to Connectful a fullstack app that connects coding students with mentors. A user can register/login to view a dashboard full of coding mentors. The user can view the mentors profile and choose to connect with a mentor. The user can send the mentor a connection message. The mentor will see the number of pending connection request in the top menu and can choose to accept or not.

How to use

login First login with the following info: email: mentor@gmail.com password: test

You can view a list of other mentors on the dashboard, you can view their full profile by clicking the full profile button. Now in the header you have a notice that you have 1 pending invitation to connect! Click the pending connection button and click accept. You have now accepted a connection.

You can now try to login from a students view, you can create your own account or use: email: mentee@gmail.com password: test

Now scroll down to the very bottom of the mentor list and find the mentor named AVA. Click connect and write a messsage. You

Now sign back out and sign in again with the mentor@gmail.com login. You will see the new pending connection request.

Live Client & server

live app: https://connectful-client.vercel.app/

server: https://afternoon-waters-35759.herokuapp.com/

Built With


How to Setup and Start

To setup the application

  1. Fork and clone the project to your machine
  2. npm install. This will also install the application

The project expects you have the server setup and running on http://localhost:8000.

Running project

This is a create-react-app project so npm start will start the project in development mode with hot reloading by default.


landing page login page register page dashboard page dashboard profile page connect message page receive request page profile page edit profile page