Continuous model of an individual's opioid user over time
- 2
Add initialization of simulation updates
#16 opened by berghammeraj - 0
Visualize User type in app
#20 opened by berghammeraj - 1
- 0
Adjust availability by source (and drug?)
#34 opened by sandypreiss - 0
Adjust dose variability by drug
#33 opened by sandypreiss - 0
- 0
- 1
Update Simulation.record_dose_taken function
#14 opened by berghammeraj - 3
Option 1 version: use output of will_increase_dose to adjust dose taking behavior via params passed to record_dose_taken
#19 opened by berghammeraj - 0
Convert will_increase_dose function to handle dose increase, secondary prescription, and illicit sourcing
#18 opened by berghammeraj - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
Submit PR for counterfeit-pills-ab-aws branch
#21 opened by sandypreiss - 1
Research smoking and insufflation
#11 opened by sandypreiss