Online Translation Platform


DISCLAIMER: This project is only tested and implemented on Linux, with no guarantee for other operating systems.


This is a translation platform where you can look up English words and translate English and Chinese bidirectionally. Look up a word English to Chinese, Credits: The Project Gutenberg eBook of Pride and Prejudice Chinese to English, Credits: 再别康桥

Credits for Powered Features

Dictionary feature is powered by ECDICT by Linwei.

Translation feature is powered by opus-mt-en-zh and opus-mt-zh-en by Language Technology Research Group at the University of Helsinki


  1. Install Qt Creator (Qt Creator 6.0.2 is recommended).
  2. Clone this repository.

Server configuration

  1. Download required database and extract stardict.db into ServerTranslation folder.

  2. Open ServerTranslation/ in Qt Creator, if everything goes well, you can build and run this project.

Please be aware that the server listens on port 8082. Therefore, this port should not be occupied.

  1. (For Translation Usage) Install Pytorch from the following link:

  2. (For Translation Usage) Install Python library transformers and sentencepiece

pip install transformers sentencepiece
  1. (Optional) Before running this project, running following python code
python3 en "Hello, World!" # Output should be "你好,世界!"


python3 zh "你好,世界!" # Output should be "Hello, world!"

to download and setup translation model.

Client configuration

  1. Open OnlineTranslation/ in Qt Creator.
  2. Open OnlineTranslation/mainwindow.cpp and change the variable const QString ip to server's IP address.
  3. If everything goes well, you can build and run this project.


The user interface is simple and intuitive.