
This GitHub page is a collaborative space for the RTP R User group organizers (Nicholas Masel (nicholas-masel) and Natalia Andriychuk (nandriychuk)).

Decisions to be made:

  1. Group Name (suggestions below):

  2. Group purpose and goals:

    • Purpose: What do we want to accomplish?

      • Community: bring people of like interests together

      • Learning: learn something new that would help your professions and/or passions

    • Goals: What do we need to do a accomplish the items above?

      • #3-6 cover what we need to do to achieve our purpose.
  3. How often will we meet:

    If we choose to have hybrid meetings (F2F and virtual )

    • Monthly if we can handle it, otherwise quarterly meets minimum requirements for grant
  4. Meeting format:

  5. Meeting Structure:

    • Presentations

    • Invited guests Q&A (similar to DS Hangout)

    • Book Club

  6. Engagement and Marketing:

    • Event invitation

    • Logo (https://www.canva.com/)

    • Who will be a part of the community?

      • Pharma, CRO, Academia

        • As non-pharma industry folks join, challenge them to bring relevant non-pharma topics and colleagues. Address this bias during meetings and provide a clear, easy way for others to volunteer and/or present.
      • Non-R users, i.e. SAS users?

        • Industry is presently shifting and this R group can support them as they add R to their toolbelt
      • R users

    • How do we get people engaged?

    • How do we market it?

      • Create linkedin post, email and calendar invite templates

      • Identify champion within each local pharma/cro/university

      • Leverage network and expand local network via conferences

    • What should we talk about?

      • Beginner, intermediate and/or advanced?

      • Should this be based off our members? If so, survey members and use this to curate topics. Or poll on topics and present on winner.

      • Updates for popular packages

      • How should we collect proposed topics and/or speakers for future meetings?

    • Standardize where possible

    • Fit speakers into time slots, not make time slots for speakers

  7. Event organizers: Nick, Natalia

    • Additional help?

    • Diversity

To Do:

  1. Name the group

  2. Create meetup.com group account

  3. Create logo

  4. Distribute the first meeting invitation/reach out to people who can connect us with the broader audience

  5. Plan first meeting



Making sharable documents with Quarto - Starting & Engaging a Data Science Community (posit.co)

Tips on Starting an R User Group (Revolutions) (revolutionanalytics.com)