Create a todo app by using web application technology, such as React.js Vue.js Angular Svelte, etc. You can use any frontend framework that you prefer, but we will appreciate it if you use React.js. The detail of the web application shown on the list here.
- Can read todo tasks in list form
- Can create a new todo task and when refreshing the web application, the data in web application should be not disappear TIP. Save in local storage, don't use any database technology
- Can update data in todo task
- Can mark done when finish todo task
- Can remove check or un-check todo task
- The data in the todo task should include
- name
- description
- start date
- end date
- Your web application styling is up to you
This challenge doesn't require any backend framework or database just use frontend framework only and You can use any frontend framework library that you prefer, such as tailwind redux recoil, etc.
- Fishish all requirements
- Clean and readable code
- Good object-oriented style
- Extra can deploy web application in Vercel or Netlify and send link URL as a result
- Your code
- Document to start your web application (In English or Thai) and should be in markdown format
- If you can deploy your web application, please submit a URL
Good luck with the challenges