Image Resizer for Cordova

By: Protonet GmbH

Authors: Joschka Schulz

Adding the Plugin

Use the Cordova CLI and type in the following command:

cordova plugin add

Sample Code

At the moment the plugin is available on android, iOS and windows


window.ImageResizer.resize(options, success, failed);


  • uri(String): The Uri for the image on the device to get scaled
  • folderName(String): The name of the folder the image should be put in android only
  • fileName(String): A custom name for the file. Default name is a timestamp. android and windows only
  • quality(Number): Quality given as Number for the quality of the new image android and iOS only
  • width(Number): The width of the new image,
  • height(Number): The height of the new image

Android Example

var options = {
      uri: uri,
      folderName: "Protonet Messenger",
      quality: 90,
      width: 1280,
      height: 1280};

  function(image) {
     // success: image is the new resized image
  }, function() {
    // failed: grumpy cat likes this function