
Simple real time drawing board with chat

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple real time drawing with others + chat using socket.io and node.js


  1. Install node.js and download all 3 repos (chat, drawing, main) run NPM install from command line in all three directories.

  2. Navigate to each directory (chat server, drawing server, and mainserver) after downloading the code from all three repos.

  3. run node server.js

  4. run node chatserver.js

  5. run mainserver.js

  6. go to http://localhost:80 in 2 browsers if on localhost

  7. Draw and watch it appear simulatenously in both browsers

Live Demo can be seen at


Many people can be on the site to draw and chat simulateously.

?room=room query string creates a new room

Please be sure to add your own s2, and mongoose info in Models/config.js while running this code.

modules/config.js format should be like this, replacing keys with your own

var config = { mongouri: "", s3key: "", s3secret: "", s3bucket: "", }

config.s3BucketURL = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/" + config.s3bucket + "/";

module.exports = config;