
Extension for document types for the ISO 21597 ICDD Part 1 Container ontology

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Extension for document types for the ISO 21597 ICDD Part 1 Container ontology



This ontology provides an extension for document types for the ISO 21597 ICDD Part 1 Container ontology ct: <https://standards.iso.org/iso/21597/-1/ed-1/en/Container#>.

The preferred namespace prefix is exdoc for the namespace IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc.

It includes the PayloadProxy class as a subclass of the ct:ExternalDocument class for registering payload triples from the "payload triples" folder. Instances of these classes can be used to define link elements for RDF-based data in ICDD containers. It also includes the ExternalRelationalDatabase and ExternalInfluxDatabase classes as a subclasses of the ct:ExternalDocument. The ExternalRelationalDatabase class can be used to provide information and connection details from an existing relational database, e.g., to retrieve data from DB and convert it into payload triples using R2RML mappings (see W3C R2RML Recommendation). When working with databases in ICDD container, be sure you do not store credentials for the database in the connection string but in a secure credentials store. The ExternalInfluxDatabase is used to retrieve time-series data from an InfluxDB instance.

* **History Note:**

v0.5: added ExternalInfluxDatabase class

v0.4: added PayloadProxy class

v0.3: added databaseMapping reference

v0.2: added databaseType and databaseQueryLanguage

v0.1: initial ontology

Table of Contents

  1. Classes
  2. Object Properties
  3. Datatype Properties
  4. Namespaces
  5. Legend


EXDOC Ontology Figure 1: Ontology overview


External Influx Database, External Relational Database, Payload Proxy,

External Influx Database

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#ExternalInfluxDatabase

a proxy document referencing to an external InfluxDB instance

Super-classes https://standards.iso.org/iso/21597/-1/ed-1/en/Container#ExternalDocument (c)
Restrictions exdoc:influxOrganisation (dp) exactly 1
exdoc:influxBucket (dp) exactly 1
exdoc:influxSensorTag (dp) exactly 1
exdoc:influxServer (dp) exactly 1
exdoc:influxMeasurement (dp) min 1
In domain of exdoc:influxOrganisation (dp)
exdoc:influxBucket (dp)
exdoc:influxMeasurement (dp)
exdoc:influxSensorTag (dp)
exdoc:influxServer (dp)

External Relational Database

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#ExternalRelationalDatabase

a proxy document referencing to an external data source with a connection string

Super-classes https://standards.iso.org/iso/21597/-1/ed-1/en/Container#ExternalDocument (c)
Restrictions exdoc:databaseName (dp) exactly 1
exdoc:databaseMapping (op) max 1
exdoc:databaseConnectionString (dp) exactly 1
exdoc:databaseQueryLanguage (dp) exactly 1
exdoc:databaseType (dp) exactly 1
In domain of exdoc:databaseQueryLanguage (dp)
exdoc:databaseMapping (op)
exdoc:databaseType (dp)
exdoc:databaseConnectionString (dp)
exdoc:databaseName (dp)

Payload Proxy

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#PayloadProxy

a proxy document referencing to payload triples using the base uri of the triples file

Super-classes https://standards.iso.org/iso/21597/-1/ed-1/en/Container#ExternalDocument (c)
Restrictions https://standards.iso.org/iso/21597/-1/ed-1/en/Container#url exactly 1

Object Properties

database mapping,

database mapping

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#databaseMapping
Description The mapping file, which allows for the generation of structured RDF-based data from the specified database. This file also needs to be specified within the respective container.
Domain(s) exdoc:ExternalRelationalDatabase (c)
Range(s) https://standards.iso.org/iso/21597/-1/ed-1/en/Container#Document (c)

Datatype Properties

connection string, database name, query language, database type, influx bucket, influx measurement, influx organisation, influx sensor tag, influx server,

connection string

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#databaseConnectionString
Description A database connection string is a string that specifies information about a data source and the means of connecting to it from an ICDD. It can be passed to an underlying driver or provider in order to initiate the connection. Warning: The connection string holds sensitive information.
Domain(s) exdoc:ExternalRelationalDatabase (c)
Range(s) xsd:string (c)

database name

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#databaseName
Description The database name is used to adress the correct mapping from the mapping file to a certain database within the connection string.
Super-properties https://standards.iso.org/iso/21597/-1/ed-1/en/Container#name
Domain(s) exdoc:ExternalRelationalDatabase (c)
Range(s) xsd:string (c)

query language

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#databaseQueryLanguage
Description The query language, which can be used to retrieve information from the specified database.
Domain(s) exdoc:ExternalRelationalDatabase (c)
Range(s) xsd:string (c)

database type

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#databaseType
Description The type of database that is specified, e.g. MySQL, NoSQL, and others.
Domain(s) exdoc:ExternalRelationalDatabase (c)
Range(s) xsd:string (c)

influx bucket

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#influxBucket
Description The InfluxDB bucket.
Domain(s) exdoc:ExternalInfluxDatabase (c)
Range(s) xsd:string (c)

influx measurement

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#influxMeasurement
Description The InfluxDB measurement filter, e.g., temperature, humidity. Can be used for filtering results in a flux query.
Domain(s) exdoc:ExternalInfluxDatabase (c)
Range(s) xsd:string (c)

influx organisation

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#influxOrganisation
Description The InfluxDB organisation.
Domain(s) exdoc:ExternalInfluxDatabase (c)
Range(s) xsd:string (c)

influx sensor tag

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#influxSensorTag
Description The InfluxDB sensor tag. Can be used for filtering results in a flux query using tags.
Domain(s) exdoc:ExternalInfluxDatabase (c)
Range(s) xsd:string (c)

influx server

Property Value
IRI https://w3id.org/exdoc#influxServer
Description The InfluxDB server URL.
Super-properties https://standards.iso.org/iso/21597/-1/ed-1/en/Container#url
Domain(s) exdoc:ExternalInfluxDatabase (c)
Range(s) xsd:anyUri (c)

Named Individuals


  • default (:)
    • https://w3id.org/exdoc#
  • dc
    • http://purl.org/dc/terms/
  • exdoc
    • https://w3id.org/exdoc#
  • foaf
    • http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
  • owl
    • http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#
  • prov
    • http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#
  • rdf
    • http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
  • rdfs
    • http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
  • sdo
    • https://schema.org/
  • skos
    • http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#
  • vann
    • http://purl.org/vocab/vann/
  • voaf
    • http://purl.org/vocommons/voaf#
  • xml
    • http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace
  • xsd
    • http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#


  • Classes: c
  • Object Properties: op
  • Functional Properties: fp
  • Data Properties: dp
  • Annotation Properties: dp
  • Properties: p
  • Named Individuals: ni