RUCO13's Following
- ac-diasBrasĂlia, Brazil
- artnugrahaBRIN Research Center for Q. Phys.
- biagas
- bot13956
- certikMicrosoft
- dftbplus
- f-fathurrahmanBandung, West Java, Indonesia
- flexcompute
- harvestfly
- highamThe University of Manchester
- hungpham2017Mountain View, CA
- julenlFraunhofer IFAM
- ketchKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- KratosMultiphysics
- MahdisadjadiVideoAmp
- marcodalessandro76CNR, National Research Counsil
- matthias-researchnvidia
- msa-em
- NanoCompMIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
- nguyen-groupTohoku University
- osscar-orgEPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- pranabdasSingapore
- qsnake
- QuantumPhotonicsLab
- quek-group
- qutip
- rehndLos Alamos National Laboratory
- santoshkumarradha@AgnostiqHQ
- spinsphotonics
- SX-Aurora
- uemoto1Kobe University
- wagtail
- wannier-developers
- yambo-code
- yyyu200Hefei, China