

饭团 火力4.0时获得残碎,power全变为小绿点,cd/2

范围扩大,小怪发射音符(ecl内 DanmakuBassDrum),释放时掉落每3帧2p点

莉莉白 能放春终(ecl内 ItemCarryLily,ItemCarryLily2)


弹幕亡灵 场上出现死尸弹,函数为(ecl内 DieBt),300擦弹1b碎片

经卷 子机伤害变为0.8x,放b时获得一个b碎片

ufo 6.0消弹范围变30.0范围,弹幕角度随机±0.1rad,速度随机0.9-1.1

刀子机(白) 弹幕初速度x0.8,所有enm发射飞刀(ecl内 DanmakuSakuyaOp)

魔子机(蓝) 狙激光,随机板底靠近自机区域出现激光(ecl内 DanmakuMarisaOp)

梦子机(蓝) boss阶段出现随机板顶出现阴阳玉(ecl内 DanmakuReimuOp), 自机一次发射3子弹(ex0)

蛇子机(蓝) 随机板顶出现御柱(ecl内 DanmakuSanaeOp2),同时有蛇和蛙弹(ex4->ex11)

妹红 一次加7残,随机出核弹

弱肉强食 攻击判定放大倍数3.0,攻击倍率1.8,随机出龙纹弹(ecl内 LongWenDan)

月球 发射三个月亮,在一定范围内能控制移动方向,弹幕初速度x1.2

不死药 决死消耗1b,但是丢b消耗2b

蜈蚣 增长速度3x,最高倍率提高到2.00x,boss阶段每5s出一个蜈蚣

偶像队 每75钱换一b碎,每6s出现一个马(仅限道中),杀了马获得额外1b碎


Barley Rice drop a life piece when activated; powers enemy dropped turn to green point, cold down time halved

drum increased bullet erasing range; drop 3 p every 2 frame when activating; enemys shoot note bullet


Mallet increased range; hit every 5/100/233/666 bullets, turn the bullets into power/spell peice/life peice/life;bullets be increasing larger every frame(up to 1.25x)

danmaku ghost enemys will have die bullets; reward a spell peice every time grazing 300 bullets

sutra the player damage drop to 0.8x; only need 2 spell peice to release the spell

ufo the ufo be bigger 5 times than original card; bullets enemy shoots be more random (±0.1 rad, 0.9x-1.1x speed)

maid knife(white) decrease the bullet speed enemy shoots to 0.8x; all enemys shoot knife bullets

mini-hakkero(blue) the laser can track enemies; random laser from bottom (like PoFV)

yinyang orb(blue) shoot 3 shots every time; random yinyang orb from top of the stage by boss

shed snakeskin amulet snake and frog shots at the same time; random yasaka's onbashira

phoenix tail add 7 life at one time; nuclear bullet randomly appear at top of stage

survival of the fittest 1.8x damage and 3.0x hitbox; random dragon crest bullets

moon shoot 3 moons when activated, which can be controlled by pressing up/down/left/right; the speed of enemy bullets 1.2x

death avoidance elixir negate death only need one spell; need 2 spell when releasing spells

centipede 3x damage increasing speed, up to 2.0x instead of 1.8x; centipede danmaku in boss stage

idol crops 75 gold in exchange for 1 spell peice(automaticly); a horse fall every 6 sec ( kill the horse for additional 1 spell peice)

made by Rue