Bayesian Regression tutorial

October 27, 2015 Alexis Boukouvalas

Files contained:

File Description
BayesianLinearRegression.ppt Powerpoint slides on Bayesian linear regression
BMLR Folder containing R code for linear regression
KruschkeAJ2012.pdf Paper describing model and approach used in BMLR. Good introduction to Bayesian concepts and assumes no prior knowledge of Bayesian statistics.
Gp Regression Example.ipynb Python notebook demonstrating the use of Gaussian Processes. Uses the python GPy library and does hybrid Monte Carlo sampling.
GPLecture6.pdf Introduction to Gaussian processes. Covers a lot, come and ask me about it. This was not covered in the talk but may be of interest.

Setup instructions

R jags: Install rjags, and jags - for instructions see here. Then run BMLRexample.R

For the Python notebook example of Gaussian Processes you need to install gpy - see here, section Getting started: installing with pip

Further information

See this link for R code implementing GP regression.

See this link for a native R implementation of Metropolis Hastings, a basic MCMC variant.