
rtComms - Real TIme Communications

Primary LanguagePHP

rtComms - Real TIme Communications

--> This project is of introductory level project for understanding the webrtc concepts, webSockets and object-oriented-devlopment with PHP.
--> Some of the features are like authication, peer to peer video call and real time chat with peer.


--> Xammpp:- You know what it is. Download-Link
--> Composer:- Dependency of PHP. Download-Link


--> Clone this repo in Xammpp/htdocs folder.
--> Turn on the Xammpp and open phpmyadmin.
--> Now you have to create the Database named "webrtc" with the help of the data-dictionary pdf I have provided in repo. Pdf-Link
--> Open terminal in your project directory or open with vsCode inbuilt terminal and type Command :- php bin/server.php
--> Now Project is ready to run on localhost.
