- 2
clangd can't find carma correctly.
#131 opened by r1cheu - 9
NumPy 2.0 support
#129 opened by conradsnicta - 3
new release?
#128 opened by conradsnicta - 8
Weird (?) behavior with arrays, especially with arrays created via `np.ones`
#126 opened by simon-hirsch - 3
CMake Error _add_library cannot create target "armadillo" because an imported target with the same name already exists
#125 opened by BerriJ - 3
Potentially mismatched allocator-deallocator when linking to external shared library
#91 opened by RUrlus - 4
Definition of `ssize_t` in `headers\carma\include\carma(28)` causes CI issue on Windows
#123 opened by Adarsh321123 - 1
#119 opened by TNonet - 7
CARMA does not correctly borrow the array when used with pybind11 trampoline classes, resulting in referencing garbage collected memory
#118 opened by dzuev2 - 5
Is there a way to use carma from source?
#115 opened by dcajasn - 2
LICENSE Question
#114 opened by jiachangliu - 1
Carma seem to not support fixed size matrices
#112 opened by yaqwsx - 12
`cibuildwheel` manylinux build issue
#103 opened by TNonet - 3
Segmentation Fault on Carma Example code
#109 opened by TNonet - 3
- 4
Undefined symbols during packaging
#101 opened by TNonet - 7
is `cmake v3.16` necessary?
#95 opened by motiwari - 2
Repo does not pass flake8
#96 opened by motiwari - 1
Possible to call `arr_to_mat<float>`?
#97 opened by motiwari - 1
Incorporate speed-up-python-with-carma example
#44 opened by RUrlus - 10
- 2
Crash when assigning one matrix to another
#93 opened by kjohnsen - 13
Help with Armadillo memory bug in pybind11
#89 opened by kjohnsen - 4
Add support for sparse matrices
#59 opened by N-Wouda - 6
Can't modify matrix as a side effect (but don't know if this is supposed to be possible)
#85 opened by kjohnsen - 3
- 0
Make CMake `find_package` compatible
#82 opened by RUrlus - 6
Automatic conversion doesn't work for function references with const& return type
#83 opened by kjohnsen - 1
Remove unused variables
#84 opened by motiwari - 3
Installation issues
#79 opened by peekxc - 1
Carma versions not set in `include`
#78 opened by motiwari - 1
Update documentation to new API
#73 opened by RUrlus - 2
Add pytest-leaks to CICD run
#62 opened by RUrlus - 2
Include coverage report in SonarCloud analysis
#58 opened by RUrlus - 1
Move CI/CD to Github Actions
#74 opened by RUrlus - 2
Mixed shell test styles
#52 opened by hpwxf - 3
- 4
Build issue
#60 opened by binoyp - 32
- 3
Segfault when accessing large converted matrix
#67 opened by Dniskk - 18
incorrect work of example (as I think)
#61 opened by kerim371 - 3
Error in converting large array using
#63 opened by binoyp - 3
- 2
- 14
Python.h file not found
#66 opened by stormshawn - 3
How to install carma
#65 opened by stormshawn - 1
- 3
Fix prefix path strip in
#54 opened by hpwxf - 2
Catch2 tests do not run in Windows environment
#50 opened by hpwxf - 1
CMake minimal requirement -> 3.7
#38 opened by hpwxf