
Create mapping diagram for selected HOTAS (hands on throttle and stick) gaming devices

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Create a mapping diagram for selected HOTAS (hands on throttle and stick) gaming devices, specifically the Thrustmaster Warthog with MFG Crosswind rudder pedals. Takes plain JSON input (for which it can generate a template), or Elite:Dangerous key mapping files.


usage: hotas_map.py [-h] --format {json,ed,demo} [--input INPUT]
                    [--joyout JOYOUT] [--throtout THROTOUT]
                    [--compout COMPOUT] [--joytemplate JOYTEMPLATE]
                    [--throttemplate THROTTEMPLATE]
                    [--ed_tmw_stick ED_TMW_STICK]
                    [--ed_tmw_throttle ED_TMW_THROTTLE]
                    [--ed_mfg_crosswind ED_MFG_CROSSWIND] [--ed_horizons]
                    [--rgbanalogue RGBANALOGUE] [--rgbmomentary RGBMOMENTARY]
                    [--rgbsticky RGBSTICKY] [--showmapping] [--showrects]
                    [--ttf TTF] [--verbose]

Generate Thrustmaster Warthog binding pictures. For a simple example, run with
the arguments '--format demo' only.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --format {json,ed,demo}
                        Input format. Possible values: 'json' (same format as
                        produced by --showmapping); 'ed' (Elite Dangerous
                        .binds file); 'demo' (simple demonstration)
  --input INPUT         Input file (unless 'demo' mode is used)
  --joyout JOYOUT       Joystick output file (default:
  --throtout THROTOUT   Throttle output file (default:
  --compout COMPOUT     Composite output file (default:
  --joytemplate JOYTEMPLATE
                        Joystick template (default:
  --throttemplate THROTTEMPLATE
                        Throttle template (default:
  --ed_tmw_stick ED_TMW_STICK
                        Elite Dangerous device name for Thrustmaster Warthog
                        joystick (default: ThrustMasterWarthogJoystick)
  --ed_tmw_throttle ED_TMW_THROTTLE
                        Elite Dangerous device name for Thrustmaster Warthog
                        throttle/control panel (default:
  --ed_mfg_crosswind ED_MFG_CROSSWIND
                        Elite Dangerous device name for MFG Crosswind rudder
                        pedals (default: 16D00A38)
  --ed_horizons         Include bindings for Elite Dangerous: Horizons (lander
  --rgbanalogue RGBANALOGUE
                        RGB colours for analogue devices (default: 255,0,255)
  --rgbmomentary RGBMOMENTARY
                        RGB colours for momentary switches (switches that
                        deactivate when released; default: 255,0,0)
  --rgbsticky RGBSTICKY
                        RGB colours for sticky switches (switches that keep
                        their position when released; default: 0,0,255)
  --showmapping         Print mapping to stdout
  --showrects           Debugging option: show text rectangles
  --ttf TTF             TrueType font file (default: Arial_Bold.ttf)
  --verbose             Verbose