
A server that synchronizes playback for SyncPlay users.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


SyncPlay Server

Host a server that synchronizes your friends playback.

Apache License 2.0 Open Issues


Programmed in TypeScript, this server will handle all requests from SyncPlay-clients.


Using the provided executables:

  1. Go to the latest version.
  2. Choose your Operating System and Architecture:
    • win-x64 for Windows Servers
    • linux-x64 for normal Linux Servers
    • linux-arm64 for ARM-based Linux Servers (f.e. Raspberry Pi)
  3. Download the file with your chosen OS and ARCH.
  4. When using Linux don't forget to grand execute permissions.
  5. Run the server for the first time: ./syncplay-server-$OS-$ARCH
  6. Perform the tasks specified in the created config file: config.toml
  7. Run the server for the second time: ./syncplay-server-$OS-$ARCH
  8. Now people can connect to your SyncPlay server.

Building the executables yourself:

Requirements: node.js@>=18.12.1, git.

git clone https://github.com/RXJpaw/SyncPlay-Server
cd SyncPlay-Server
npm ci
npm run build

The built binaries are located in dist.