
Code here requires the following to be fully executed:

  • a standard ipython notebook install, if you want to run the notebook
    • ipython
    • jinja2
    • pyzmq
    • tornado
    • jsonschema
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib

And maybe not scipy... If you have an environment that already has all that, give it a go; otherwise try the virtual environment setup below.

# cloning repo
git clone
cd l_ds_challenge

# getting data, if you don't have it already
wget -O rides.csv

# building your python virtual environment
virtualenv ~/path/to/my/venv
. ~/path/to/my/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Pretty dumb so far -- just loading the data into a pandas dataframe and then attempting to do random sampling of hotroutes / customer rides. The data set is large enough right now that I'm clearly not doing it the right way. Perhaps a later version will improve it.

IPython Notebook

Launch the ipython notebook by calling

ipython notebook

Once inside, choose hotroute_vis.ipynb and run all cells.


Just click on the ipynb file up above -- github will display the final version for you because it's flipping awesome.