
Azure Stack Resources

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Azure Stack Development Kit Configurator 1804

Version Compatibility

The current version of the ConfigASDK.ps1 script has been tested with the following versions:

  • ASDK build 20180513.1 (1804)
  • Azure Stack PowerShell Module 1.3.0

IMPORTANT - this version of the ConfigASDK.ps1 script has been tested with ASDK build 1804, and Azure Stack PowerShell 1.3.0. A version that supports the older ASDK builds (1803 etc) can be found in the archive folder, however this will not be maintained. You should upgrade to a later ASDK.


Once you have completed the installation of your ASDK, you need to populate it with content, in order to have a more complete experience. This content may include virtual machine images, extensions, database hosts, app services and more. All of that takes time to install and configure. The purpose of this ConfigASDK.ps1 script is to automate as much as possible, the post-deployment tasks for the Azure Stack Development Kit

This includes:

  • Validates all input parameters
  • Ensures password for VMs meets complexity required for App Service installation
  • Updated password expiration (180 days)
  • Disable Windows Update on all infrastructures VMs and ASDK host (To avoid the temptation to apply the patches...)
  • Tools installation (Azure Stack Tools)
  • Registration of the ASDK to Azure (Optional - enables Marketplace Syndication)
  • Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Evaluation (Full + Core) images added to the Platform Image Repository
  • Ubuntu Server 16.04-LTS image added to the Platform Image Repository
  • Corresponding gallery items created in the Marketplace for the Windows Server and Ubuntu Server images.
  • Gallery item created for MySQL 5.7 and SQL Server 2017 (both on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS)
  • Creates VM Scale Set gallery item
  • MySQL Resource Provider installation
  • SQL Server Resource Provider installation
  • Deployment of a MySQL 5.7 hosting server on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
  • Deployment of a SQL Server 2017 hosting server on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
  • Adding SQL Server & MySQL hosting servers to Resource Providers including SKU/Quotas
  • Set new default Quotas for MySQL, SQL Server, Compute, Network, Storage and Key Vault
  • App Service prerequisites installation (SQL Server and Standalone File Server)
  • App Service Resource Provider sources download and certificates generation
  • App Service Service Principal Created (for Azure AD and ADFS)
  • Grants App Service Service Principal Admin Consent (for Azure AD)
  • Automates deployment of the App Service using dynamically constructed JSON
  • Cleans up download folder to ensure clean future runs
  • Transcript Log for errors and troubleshooting
  • Progress Tracking and rerun reliability with ConfigASDkProgress.csv file
  • Stores script output in a ConfigASDKOutput.txt, for future reference

Additionally, if you encounter an issue, try rerunning the script with the same command you used to run it previously. The script is written in such a way that it shouldn't try to rerun previously completed steps.

Important Considerations

The current version of the ConfigASDK.ps1 script relies on your ASDK host having an internet connection. During the execution, the script will download a number of files from the internet, including the Azure Stack Tools, Ubuntu Server 16.04 VHD, Windows Updates for the Windows Server image creation process, and more. Future versions of the ConfigASDK.ps1 script may include complete offline support.


Install PowerShell for Azure Stack

  • Login as azurestack\azurestackadmin on your ASDK host.
  • Open an elevated PowerShell window and run the following script to install PowerShell for Azure Stack:
Set-PSRepository -Name "PSGallery" -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Uninstall-Module AzureRM.AzureStackAdmin -Force -ErrorAction Continue
Uninstall-Module AzureRM.AzureStackStorage -Force -ErrorAction Continue
Uninstall-Module -Name AzureStack -Force -ErrorAction Continue

# Install the AzureRM.Bootstrapper module. Select Yes when prompted to install NuGet.
Install-Module -Name AzureRm.BootStrapper

# Install and import the API Version Profile required by Azure Stack into the current PowerShell session.
Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile 2017-03-09-profile -Force
Install-Module -Name AzureStack -RequiredVersion 1.3.0

Download the ConfigASDK.ps1 script

  • Open an elevated PowerShell window and run the following script to download the ConfigASDK.ps1 file:
# Create directory on the root drive.
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "C:\ConfigASDK"
Set-Location "C:\ConfigASDK"

# Download the ConfigASDK Script.
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Invoke-Webrequest http://bit.ly/configasdk -UseBasicParsing `
-OutFile ConfigASDK.ps1

Usage Examples:

Scenario 1 - Using Azure AD for authentication. You wish to register the ASDK to Azure as part of the automated process. For registration, you wish to use the same Azure AD credentials as you used when you deployed your ASDK.

.\ConfigASDK.ps1 -ASDK -azureDirectoryTenantName "contoso.onmicrosoft.com" -authenticationType AzureAD `
-downloadPath "D:\ASDKfiles" -ISOPath "D:\WS2016EVALISO.iso" -azureStackAdminPwd P@ssw0rd123! `
-VMpwd P@ssw0rd123! -azureAdUsername "admin@contoso.onmicrosoft.com" -azureAdPwd P@ssw0rd123! `
-registerASDK -useAzureCredsForRegistration -azureRegSubId "01234567-abcd-8901-234a-bcde5678fghi"

Please Note

  • For the -azureDirectoryTenantName, You can use your "domain.onmicrosoft.com" tenant name, or if you are using a custom domain name in Azure AD, such as contoso.com, you can also use that
  • For the -downloadPath, ensure the folder exists, and you have enough space to hold up to 40GB of files
  • -ISOPath should point to the Windows Server 2016 Evaluation media that you downloaded with your ASDK files
  • -azureStackAdminPwd is the password you used when deploying your ASDK
  • -VMpwd is the password assigned to all VMs created by the script. Important - App Service installation requires a strong password, at least 12 characters long, with at least 3 of the following options: 1 upper case, lower case, 1 number, 1 special character.
  • -azureAdUsername and -azureAdPwd are the Service Administrator credentials you used when you deployed your ASDK host (in Azure AD connected mode)
  • Use the -registerASDK flag to instruct the script to register your ASDK to Azure
  • Use the -useAzureCredsForRegistration flag if you want to use the same Service Administrator Azure AD credentials to register the ASDK, as you did when deploying the ASDK
  • If you specify -registerASDK but forget to use -useAzureCredsForRegistration, you will be prompted for alternative credentials

Scenario 2 - Using Azure AD for authentication. You wish to register the ASDK to Azure as part of the automated process. For registration, you wish to use a different set of Azure AD credentials from the set you used when you deployed your ASDK:

.\ConfigASDK.ps1 -ASDK -azureDirectoryTenantName "contoso.onmicrosoft.com" -authenticationType AzureAD `
-downloadPath "D:\ASDKfiles" -ISOPath "D:\WS2016EVALISO.iso" -azureStackAdminPwd P@ssw0rd123! `
-VMpwd P@ssw0rd123! -azureAdUsername "admin@contoso.onmicrosoft.com" -azureAdPwd P@ssw0rd123! `
-registerASDK -azureRegUsername "admin@fabrikam.onmicrosoft.com" -azureRegPwd P@ssw0rd123! `
-azureRegSubId "01234567-abcd-8901-234a-bcde5678fghi"

Please Note

  • The key difference this time, is that the -azureRegUsername and -azureRegPwd flags are used, to capture the different set of Azure AD credentials (and therefore, different subscription) for registering the ASDK to Azure.

Scenario 3 - Using Azure AD for authentication. You choose not to register the ASDK to Azure as part of the automated process:

.\ConfigASDK.ps1 -ASDK -azureDirectoryTenantName "contoso.onmicrosoft.com" -authenticationType AzureAD `
-downloadPath "D:\ASDKfiles" -ISOPath "D:\WS2016EVALISO.iso" -azureStackAdminPwd P@ssw0rd123! `
-VMpwd P@ssw0rd123! -azureAdUsername "admin@contoso.onmicrosoft.com" -azureAdPwd P@ssw0rd123!

Scenario 4 - Using ADFS for authentication. You wish to register the ASDK to Azure as part of the automated process. For registration, you will have to use a different set of Azure AD credentials as your ASDK was deployed with ADFS:

.\ConfigASDK.ps1 -ASDK -authenticationType ADFS -downloadPath "D:\ASDKfiles" -ISOPath "D:\WS2016EVALISO.iso" `
-azureStackAdminPwd P@ssw0rd123! -VMpwd P@ssw0rd123! -registerASDK `
-azureRegUsername "admin@fabrikam.onmicrosoft.com" -azureRegPwd P@ssw0rd123! `
-azureRegSubId "01234567-abcd-8901-234a-bcde5678fghi"

Scenario 5 - Using ADFS for authentication. You choose not to register the ASDK to Azure as part of the automated process:

.\ConfigASDK.ps1 -ASDK -authenticationType ADFS -downloadPath "D:\ASDKfiles" -ISOPath "D:\WS2016EVALISO.iso" `
-azureStackAdminPwd P@ssw0rd123! -VMpwd P@ssw0rd123!

Post-Script Actions

This script can take over 6 hours to finish. Once the script has completed, be sure to look in your downloadPath folder, as it will contain a ConfigASDKOutput.txt file, which contains useful information. Assuming the script has completed successfully, you just need to activate the portals: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-stack/asdk/asdk-post-deploy#activate-the-administrator-and-tenant-portals

Troubleshooting & Improvements

This script, and the packages have been developed, and tested, to the best of my ability. I'm not a PowerShell guru, nor a specialist in Linux scripting, thus, if you do encounter issues, let me know through GitHub and I'll do my best to resolve them.

Likewise, if you are awesome at PowerShell, or Linux scripting, or would like to improve the solution, let me know, and we can collaborate to improve the overall project!